

Hackers. I watch that movie at least once a month.

Lucy Liu Bot from Futurama would work.

yeah, this is starting to bother me. I need to know what happened to BEN!!!!

I agree this is obviously a render but it should be something BB is shooting for. I think the main thing will be the OS. If it's user friendly and fun, they will probably do ok but fun hasn't really been BB bag. You are correct, aiming to get current BB users to upgrade isn't the best course of action but customer

BB might have a shot at survival after all.

Prosopagnosia - Inability to recognize faces.

Wouldn't you want to know if you were mostly likely going to die when you are 25 or 30? That's so young. If someone could tell you that you probably wouldn't waste time going to college and having a career if you're just going to die a few years into it. Might as well have a good time while you can.

say WHAAAAA!?!?!?! Finally on both accounts. Hopefully this is released in the first half of the year. I like my EVO but I've really been wanting something new and shiny.

#4) That's a picture of Mr. Magoo if I've ever seen one.

Ohhhh, is that all? Now that you explain everything it seems so easy.

Yeah, saw that episode and it was unpleasant. Maybe someone can make some sort of latex mouth guard for this.

I simply stated my opinion and the fact that using the word epic to describe the song is ridiculous.

Keep drinking that Jay-Z Kool-Aid. He's a talented artist in many aspects but this song is not one of his best and it certainly isn't epic

Aziz comes through again making something awesome out of something mediocre. This song is epic? Really? It really isn't and you know this.

No big deal. Just need to pick your target and invest in a few pints.

"Guppies are very different from us, so let's not use this to make sweeping generalizations about the company people keep, okay?"

Incredibly intricate. Such an excellent thing to do an it's drawing a lot of attention to the libraries which, I"m sure, is the point.

They look like some kind of mold, a few people mentioned metal smithing. I think that's probably correct.

If by "sarcasm" you mean "stated a whole bunch of irrefutable facts" then yes. You did that.