
Why would you need a double down? It's a fried food competition so I'm sure they have fried butter, fried coke and, most importantly, a ton of fried stuff wrapped in bacon.

If the streaming library was good enough and available over Xbox 360 I'd get an Amazon Prime account just for that. At $79 a year that amounts to less than $7 a month for streaming. I only order maybe a half dozen things from Amazon a year so for me the 2-Day shipping would be the extra perk.

So what about folks like myself who are allergic to shrimp? Should we avoid?

After reading a few Lifehacker articles dealing with some of these issues I had previously resolved to get my phone/tech addiction under control. I had a Blackberry Curve for a couple years but it got worse once I got an HTC EVO because 1) The EVO is way better (faster, easier to get access to information etc) and 2)

Mr. Wagner previously brought case before the court urging them to shutdown the internet before SKYNET took over. The case was dismissed.

I love hip-hop so I'd have to go with something from that category. If its just one song maybe

I somehow missed the original post and this response but thanks to a link from another post I just read them both. I don't think there is anything wrong with openly admitting or calling someone by their race as a descriptor in the fashion that you mentioned. People are too sensitive these days. It's not racist to

I imagine they are doing this because they are one of the culprits. I have the V-Moda Bass Freq earbuds ($29 on their site). I wonder how their other $50+ earbuds perform in comparison. The Bass Freq earbuds are ok for the money but I find it hard to believe the others would be that much better. I probably won't

"the first of their kind being a skeletal image of his wife's hand."

Patrick Bauchau could not hold a candle to Patrick Stewart as Picard. That would have been awful.

I've got your updated firmware right here. Heyooooooo!

I remember being a kid and the first computer we got we had to launch everything from Dos. I was young, in elementary school, but I knew the basics for launching Chuck Yeager's Air Combat! We were one of the first people to get a computer in our neighborhood because my uncle was an engineer and had built it for my

If you've never had it, get the Daytona wings. They are awesome. If you want some extra spice get it double dipped with hot or 3 mile island. It's amazing. Don't forget the fried pickles.

People say he should just wear a foil hat but in the military you aren't allowed to wear a hat indoors. "How can I keep myself safe from the mind probes while still adhering to military regulations?" He is truly a dedicated man of great fortitude.

If by some awful turn of events this happened to me and they refused to reverse the charges, I'd just leave the country. I like my life here and would miss my family and friends but for all the hassle or someone arguing with me for $900K I'd just say screw it if it went on too long.

@pist: elaketric car?

@twothefutureandbeyond: Absolutely true. Have an IQ test at a determined age and then "relocate" the people that are below a certain level.