If there was an OAN airline that only had one-way flights to a secret island with no internet access it would be ideal.
If there was an OAN airline that only had one-way flights to a secret island with no internet access it would be ideal.
Maybe OAN will start an airline for her.
I’m kinda a Delta loyalist, but honestly, it IS easier when you’re the industry leader. You can set the rules, right or wrong. Perhaps a decent comparison is Nike, a behemoth among the sports retail universe. If they promote fair work practices (they claim to), then it becomes a de facto standard. So kudos to Delta…
I’m not sure how many times I’ve typed this, but I don’t think I can enough: There is not more racism in America, there are just more cameras recording it.
This is all new to young people. Older folks know this is the same old bullshit.
Fascist government officials use civilian paramilitaries to do dirty work that they don’t want to get caught doing. This is a playbook of oppression that Putin is using now and the right wing death squads of Central America and the various orange unionists of Northern Ireland have used in the recent past.
I grew up in Oklahoma where Oklahoma history was a required class, and I didn’t hear anything about this until a few years ago. Side note: thinking back on what a I did learn in OK History basically boils down to, “... and then white people showed up and fixed everything.”
Do you refuse to clean up after yourself in any way when you visit a hotel because that is the cleaning crew’s job? The cart shop guy’s job is to take the carts from the corral back to the store. You don’t need to actively make it more work. Don’t be a lazybones.
I’ve worked on all of those areas, and no, their job is not to go all around the parking lot to pick up carts, it’s simply to make sure there’s enough carts available inside for new customers. It’s also not their only job, for me it wasn’t even my primary job.
Yes, it’s someone’s job to pickup carts left by assholes. That doesn’t mean it is their only job, just the job they have to do when assholes visit the store. Same goes for people who deposit their garbage in overflowing street bins instead of taking it home like a normal person. Or toss their butts on the sidewalk. Or…
This reminds me of a time when I was out to eat with a distant family member. When the waiter came by to pick up our plates, I stacked mine and handed it to them along with the silverware so they wouldn’t have to lean over to grab everything. After the waiter left, said family member chided me, “You shouldn’t do that.…
So if I saw him crumpled up in pain on a sidewalk I should tell I will go find a janitor. Which of course I would not do.
You realize the grocer’s responsible for stray carts, right? One of those motherfuckers gets rolling and slams into the side of a 2021 BMW? Yeah, that’s $1,500 out of the grocer’s pocket.
The argument that “Some X enjoy Y so my behavior is justified” is not that great though. They are trying to make an excuse for their own behavior. Similar to other things, this isn’t just about having the workers have to go hunting for the carts, there is also the factor of how it impacts other customers by taking up…
Wow. I knew he was evil, but wow
Concern for employees is not the only consideration. Carts that are not in the corral can move and hit other cars. Sometimes they block other cars from parking in a particular spot. I’ve come back to my car to find a shopping cart blocking my door.
This is a case where outliers and what-ifs distract from the basic premise though. Sure, some people enjoy shopping cart duty. So remove them from the equation - you still are leaving rolling, unsecured objects loose in an area where people park their second largest investments after their house.
The littering section reminded me of a quote from White House Senior Advisor Stephen Miller, when campaigning for student government in his school days:
Unless you’ve surveyed every employee of the particular store at which you are shopping to confirm that they all “enjoy rallying up the carts” and believe it to be “easy, soothing work,” you are an asshole if you don’t put back your cart. I can’t even believe that you would try to both sides something as dumb and…
I used to push carts at Costco in Anchorage Alaska. Six inches of snow and ice on the ground, and temperatures below zero.