
It’s crazy that the only way to get accountability for sexual assault is to out it publicly on social media, because going to the police for stuff like this would result in virtually zero consequences. Instead of a private investigation, the victims have to expose themselves to inevitable public abuse and hate to see

They showed it lying down towards the end. With that round stand underneath it. Probably for air flow purposes.

<i>Perfect Dark</i>: 20 Years Later

Twenty years on from release I must acknowledge that, for a classic multiplayer game, Perfect Dark now suffers from

I was actually really excited for some SP content in Apex, but bounced as soon as I saw that you had to collect whatever it is in normal games before you could even unlock the SP stuff, and that sucks.

I like Apex a lot, but it’s not something I play regularly. It would have been nice to be able to play some kind of

Kung Fu Hustle