
Just write it on a plain slip of paper. In base 7.

I found the way to order it with Android:

This is a highly irresponsible thing to do. Yes, the whole fad is annoying, but on the off chance that the someone you know is truly celiac, you can land them in the hospital.

Parental controls.... That alone is why I will only use plex now. Kodi has no interest in a simple way to set this up. Also since I already had rokus throughout the house, it meant that as soon as I switched, everyone could now use the local content in any room instead of just the living room. I was gonna do raspbery

The 8th Continent

that’s the way I remember it, one long string of words, like Finnegan’s Wake, all scrunched together. it’s art-lit, a word picture, multi-media and new-age.

#1 answer: when there are a LOT more self-driving cars than there are the kind piloted by meat sacks.

Eliminating the fear that you will be murdered to death by an F-150 or Range Rover

Brilliant. You’ll happily submit to a surveillance regime in order to save a few bucks.

Or how about a better way to associate risk and higher premiums instead of lumping everyone in goddamn categories.

Remember, when loading your vehicle, heaviest stuff goes on top. Gravity gets weaker with respect to distance away from the earth so the higher up it is, the less it weighs. Its science

Not sure where you tried to activate it, but you can absolutely use it on a desktop. I do all the time. Just go to

To go along with whatever gift I give my dad, I give him a card. It’s a fact cards are worthless, so I always to add something special. One time it was a card in Spanish, he took it to work and had some coworkers translate it. Apparently it was very nice.

We had guinea pigs when we were growing up (as pets, never as meals). They were fucking disgusting and I have no idea how my mother put up with it. The best (though by no means only) story from our decade-long run as guinea pig owners occurred when we decided to let one of the males (Peanut Butter) bunk in with one of

This is great. We do this exact thing. It’s super important especially during the summer months when they’re out of school.

I implemented this yesterday with my daughter, having her help me create The List with me and she was surprisingly open to the idea (despite these new rules reducing her screen time). She even agreed to do chores like sweep the kitchen, which she has never even thought of in her lifetime. We’ll see how it goes. It’s

A van cannot easily be turned into a truck...

Try cleaning blood and guts (from animals, not humans - just so we’re clear) out of the back of your van.

How about hauling a refrigerator?

Gooseneck/fifth-wheel trailer, anyone?

Muddy 4-wheeler/quad or dirt bike?