
If you don’t have a rice cooker, buy one! Even the cheap ones work really well! I bought one 5 years ago from Wal-Mart for 12 bucks, and have used it 3-4 times a week since then. It still works great! It’s one of the best investments for your kitchen.

Should be titled “Things Said to Women Working in Tech or Science Which Should Never Be Said to Anyone Ever”

You could be referring to the public opinion, a bias opinion, or just a general opinion.
"I was speaking with my friends about taxes, and my personal opinion on the matter is..." has a different meaning than, "I was speaking with my friends about taxes and the opinion on the matter is..." unless I misunderstood what

I disagree. I work in immigration law, and when counseling clients I often give them my personal opinion (how I think law/policy will be applied by reasonable decision makers) versus my professional opinion (the strategy they should take because not all decision makers are reasonable).

There's such a thing as a "legal opinion" and possibly a lawyer who would like to be clear that she or he is not expressing a legal opinion might still want to differentiate. Similarly, doctors and others may have a "professional opinion" that is distinct from a "personal opinion" they might express. Then there are

See the check boxes below the sliders...

I considered that—the use of the word scientist—but I think you should respect his work and profession, regardless of what may be a skewed use of the word.

VOTE: KeePass - I use in addition to LastPass. Keepass is my master password file while LastPass contains a subset for daily use. One of the features includes attaching files to the password entry... great for those QR codes for two-factor authentication.

That Ghiradelli mix is the shit!!! I also add a little extra vanilla and cinnamon OR Bailey's Irish Cream. I also add olive oil.

Our local raw foods restaurant made an avocado based chocolate mousse for the holidays which was creamy, rich and full flavored. They presented it as a blind tasting, and no one could guess the secret luscious ingredient. As you've found with the olive oil brownies, sometimes the alternative ingredient adds more

To use your analogy, not everyone needs to know how to use a miter saw to cut and install moulding (programming), but everyone should know the basics of how shapes fit together, the "measure twice cut once" best practice, and how to plan a project like cutting moulding (computer science).

"I was always strong academically in math and science, so I [was able to calculate my likely salary working in those fields, so I] studied engineering in college [instead]"

I think there is nothing wrong with a spouse (but particularly a wife) having their own account. Given the potential for a power differential where, say, one partner is a sole breadwinner or earns significantly more, the lower-earning partner might reasonably want that safety net should the relationship end. In cases

​"Google is friend." I'd rather just purchase the parts to help me load it into my PC than have you condesplain it. A simple "AParted" would have worked you grammatically retarded fuck.

Block size is also very much worth paying attention too. If you're dealing with primarily large files, a larger block size can reduce read time and work on the drive. On the flip side, if the files are primarily documents, you probably want the smaller block size or you'll waste a lot of space doing that.

I am completely sure. The cultures are different and will cause different results. This recipe calls for using all cream, just a touch of yogurt to add the cultures, but those cultures will not create the same result. Similar, but more acidic and less buttery and creamy in flavor. Creme Fraiche cultures have more