Passenger version Cargo floor width (btw. wheelhouse): 47.4”
Passenger version Cargo floor width (btw. wheelhouse): 47.4”
They didn’t mention that back is worth for snoring, which means I wake up with a black eye.
I find that my Kindle and a glass of bourbon work pretty well also.
Or Duke... or UNC...
I don’t think the interesting integrations are going to derive from the devices running the same OS. They will, instead, derive from being run by the same company, which can use unpublished APIs to do stuff.
No, because I use Android phones, and it’s not compatible.
First, an article on self, and the expression or performance thereof, is not complete without referencing about Erving Goffman.
Second, without picking on Kierkegaard or his contemporaries, it should be noted that a lot of philosophy has been left wanting in the past 150 years of scientific inquiry, especially…
The only reason database storage should be related to the password length is if they’re actually storing the passwords instead of a hash, in which case, they suck at their job.
You look fast, even when you're standing still!
You look fast, even when you're standing still!
Yeah, it'd be a shame if they pulled a bait and switch on your bait and switch....
Doh. #-o
Here's one:…
That is supposedly one of the reason for the period of adaptation. Because carbohydrates are the preferred energy source for your muscles, it takes some time to modify to an enzymatic balance that allow the efficient use of fat. At that point, however, you're not using muscular glycogen (the apparent reason for…
I actually started a low-carb/ketogenic diet a few years ago for exactly this reason: I found that on moderate length runs (10+ miles), I was having energy dips. Becoming keto-adapted eliminated that, and I can run a half-marathon without having eaten anything. I've also noticed that I can't do 100 pushups at once…
It annoys me that these guides feature color so prominently as a selection criteria. I understand that a lot of people "don't like dark beer", but this is supposed to be an educational tool to combat that. Let them specify important things (like maltiness and body and conditioning, maybe?) and if they end up with a…
How much time an extra payment* (i.e., 1/(12*30) of your principal) knocks off your payoff date is a function of the interest rate. In the old 5%+ days, it would have knocked off a more significant amount, but that's not the case anymore. At 3.75%, an extra payment per year (spread out monthly) only knocks off about 4…
I taught myself how to do it on a Honda CR-V, but haven't done it on any of my cars since then.
The milk you're drinking is high in calories and contains mad saturated fat. It would follow that most dairy products have tons of saturated fat. You know what all that fat does? IT GIVES YOU HEART DISEASE. You know what the number one killer of adults in America is? Goddamnheart disease. If you enjoy living, put the…
I can sympathize with this criticism to some extent; as a mathematician and scientist, it's where I tend to go on the few occasions I've found myself in a room with self-proclaimed data scientists. But it's arrogant and often unfair. If they're developing new models (implicit hypotheses) and validating them in a…
Which AmEx is this? I'm only seeing 1% with the Cash Preferred and Cash Everyday cards.