
Why? No seriously why do this? That sounds fucking awful.


Haters gonna hate. I’ll just keep buying it when it’s low and selling when it’s high, suckas.

Mazda resale value > Buick Resale value.

You have been saved. There are no jobs in this field.

It doesn’t burn them up, it fucks them. There are never enough jobs so only like 1-5% of the graduating class gets a career in what they went to school for. Statistically there are more spots open on the NBA every year, than there are trans design positions.

The editing was terrible, the jersey dude was terrible, and the fat guy seemed like an insult to americans.

Yes. This is a dumb article. Read the comments on reddit, when this story was shared 4 days ago. You know, the website where Jalopnik gets 95% of it’s material from.

What are you using as a penetrant? Please don’t say PB blaster.

Can you run Waze on it yet? Til then I am not interested

Don’t forget they also shot down an airliner full of civilians.

This is a terrible idea. Dirt everywhere. Blown shocks. Beat up suspension bushings, creaks, rattles, just... why the hell would you do this with a nice car. You must be a moron.

If there was a manual version I would probably own it.

No. The styling is very amatuerish. Looks like something kids draw in High School. Does not have the level of sophistication and refinement of the designs of most proper supercars.

How courageous.


Amazon has been in the auto parts segment for over 11 years now. I have friends that work in that department of Amazon and they were flabbergasted by this recent interview/article suggesting this is somehow a ‘new’ move. It isn’t. They’ve been running this successfully, with a profit, for over a decade.

Still looks like shit. Sorry.

The Honda Insight (1G) is much more impressive.

Not true. I talked to a guy who owned a 355. He did all his own wrenching, and said parts were expensive and it does require engine out servicing, but it wasn’t that bad, and he did everything in his one car garage.