Totally forgot for a second that Blizzard is part of the same company.
Totally forgot for a second that Blizzard is part of the same company.
I like Blizzard fine but it would have been nicer to have the game on Steam where I have 10x the amount of friends and already existing communities to play with. They must have gotten some sweet deal. It’s just an odd choice.
Every time I hear a VR game dev talk they babble about nonsense when the general audience wants shooters, action games, big RPG’s, sword fighting etc in VR. Not whatever art school fever dream they think is the next big “experience.” I don’t want an experience that lasts as long as a stubborn shit. I don’t just want a…
A long, long time ago I was obsessed with creating a character that could not die. My crew tended to play really tough campaigns with a DM who delighted in throwing huge set piece fights with long odds our way. I wanted a character the party could always turn to when all hope seemed lost. A character that could take a…
Ohhh good call. Thanks for that.
Serious question - has there ever been a good live action movie version of an anime? I mean ever? I can’t think of a single one. Am I forgetting a gem?
The cosmetic improvements are noticeable but if you were looking forward to being able to complete quests that were bugged or glitched, preventing completion, you’ll be disappointed. The Task: Nomad Shield Crafting and Task: Herbal Entrepreneurs / Task: Running a Fever quests remain broken.
Ya the Tasks that have you just going from bad guy camp to bad guy camp over and over to find some stupid fetch quest are the worst. Though a few of them do end with a cool fight or loot. But most are just not worth a damn in terms of rewards or entertainment.
But I’m sitting at 99% completion (not Trophies the in-game…
Hopefully this addresses issues with completing the Task: Nomad Shield Crafting and Task: Herbal Entrepreneurs / Task: Running a Fever quests. Among several others. Andromeda HATES when you trigger a quest a way it does not like. Still though I was not expecting them to go so hard addressing lip-sync and facial acting…
Was not a funny joke but controversial? Has the bar for what is considered controversial really fallen that low?
I just want more people to play Duelyst with. It is a great game.
Max Payne can out brood everyone else on the list 10 times over in his sleep.
Some of the emotional beats don’t land sure. But a lot of them do and they hit hard.
Torment: Tides of Numenera
There is something the way the characters look in the Injustice games and MK vs DC before them. Specifically the more traditionally human looking characters. Swamp Thing looks pretty great and so do a few others but there is something really off putting about how a lot of the characters look.
Wait...people watch Youtube Red? Like for real? I was under the impression it was a failure that never caught on. I certainly can’t think of any time anyone has encouraged me to watch a Youtube Red show, or felt the need to seek a show out on my own despite liking a lot of Youtube content.
I prefer Surge Protectors that actually stop delivering power once the surge protection capacity fails rather than one that just has a silly indicator light on it that I cannot see 90% of the time because it is behind a desk or something. You’ll never know if your surge protector is actually protecting you unless you…
I prefer Surge Protectors that actually stop delivering power once the surge protection capacity fails rather than…