Goggles Paisano

This isn’t the first time a bat has been involved in a sporting event:

So all those movies where the "good guys" were wearing the uniforms of the enemy were considered acts of perfidy? In essence, Hollywood got it wrong? 

I got a woody watching this fight. 

The balls on that guy... 

...they met in a furious clash...

Da-dum, Da-dum, dum-dum-dum-dum, dum-dum-dum-dum...

And what’s so wrong with beer league box lacrosse? 

Morey couldn't take it to the House. 

Pears suck. 

Yeah, I can see him at the retirement home dining room table, pudding dribbling out of his mouth, muttering "Remember when I was king shit, making that big game winning shot." 

Hey, I was born in March! 

Miracle on the lake, part 2?

You should give Wednesday's local hour of the LeBatard show a listen. Former Marlins pres David Samson rips Boras a new asshole. 

There there...

They're still in the mix. 

That's why I make sure my network remains (full of) fluid. 

I do. 

Don’t play the Peterman