Goggles Paisano

This is the break Peterman's looking for. 

Or the Spanish Inquisition because...

What are we?

After eating their pizza, I drop some shit into the John. 

“I’m the man...”

Big boys don't cry, big boys don't cry... 

I pick Charles Nelson-Reilly to block. 

It takes two minds to handle a WOPR. 

And Buffalo’s stuck with Nathan Peterman

More like:

I like tits. 

You don't tug on Superman's cape. 

I now have 2 of my starting 5: this guy and the guy who won $10k at the Knicks game. 

Addams Family recipe maybe... 

I have a copy of that cookbook. 

But well past their "use by" date. 

But, but, they gave him a free Beemerectomy. 

Knicks sign Ripped Jeans to a contract tomorrow. 

Oops, you're right, had NGDB on my mind.