This weekend’s viral feel-good story came from a surprising source: A Waffle House in La Marque, Texas. There,…
This weekend’s viral feel-good story came from a surprising source: A Waffle House in La Marque, Texas. There,…
Talking Dead is never going to talk about the many plot holes or nonsense writing in this show.
Crumb scrapers don’t get enough respect. They really should get more use in restaurants. If your restaurant has tablecloths, it should have crumb scrapers.Pretentious? Maybe. Classy? Absolutely.
I’ve eaten in some very nice (but not Michelin-level) restaurants around the country, but only encountered one place that used them (an excellent steakhouse in SF).
Atari 2600
New Orleans has beignets, grilled oysters and all the live music you could ever imagine. Minnesota has lutefisk and seven months of winter.
I’m not even a Vikings fan, Drew, but if Brees ends up in Minnesota, I will also shit your pants.
They brought in Talib in order to be a mentor in batshittery for Peters. And for the money you really could not do better capwise.
why do you hate fun
Man, think of that, think how strong you would have to be to pick up the average green bay packers fan.
Why are Trump supporters so proud to be ignorant assholes?
For someone with such a need to utilize dinner and salad forks at home, they clearly aren’t interested in a dining experience more exotic than Ruby Tuesday.
Let’s not be too quick to judge Ms. DeVos. Maybe her plan was to meet with three people, then each of those people would meet with three more people, and so on and so on.
if Betsy DeVos were eaten by a bear i would give the bear a medal.
And in the same scene:
I’m just gonna go find a cash machine....
strongly vaginal ..
With nail polish...
She owes money all over town, including to known pornographers...and that’s cool, that’s cool.
Wonderful woman. We’re all, we’re all very fond of her. Very free-spirited.