
Hi—I’d like you to explain the implicit logic behind the argument in this bad internet comment. You seem to be saying that rather than looking into whether stories are true or not, we should just take people at their word and run what they say. Is that what you’re saying? If so, what made you arrive at this position?

Is “going outside” not an acceptable answer here?

I mean come on, if you are going to make this pointless insult, at least get it right. 18-1. asshole.

Roger Goddell will fine Gronk for that remark, as he gave credit to the Broncos without giving any recognition to the best at low blows, Peter King.

They’re a stiff contender.

Outstanding. But let’s not give credit to the NHL for doing the right thing when it’s entirely their fault that the wrong thing happened.

I have no interest in ever owning one of these things, but the inexplicable amount of anger on the internet from people pointing out the misnomer in their title has given me such profound joy. Thank you, hoverboard. Keep on hoverin’.

Last night’s incident marks the second time in his life that Tony Stewart would have been shot by police had he been black.


11 of 12 Patriots fans are significantly hoping he gets better soon.

Citing sources, Chris Broussard says Mort will be out 2-3 weeks with a strained knee ligament.

Sure... Get well soon, Mort.

In before the Patriots haters say that New Englanders are going to enjoy this news - you’re troll game is weak.

Nothing that’s being showcased tonight can even be considered an option. That doesn’t sit well with me, even though it should.

My options include:

This is going to be such a glorious shitshow.

I thought I’d love to laugh at its problems along with everyone else, but the truth is I actually want to drive it now. It’s so much fun to drive when it is moving that I’m a little sad when it has to go to the dealer. Hopefully it’ll be smooth sailing after this. Yeah, right...

So triticale has gluten, but what about quadro-triticale? And do tribbles have celiac disease? Is that why they died in the storage bins? Maybe it wasn’t the klingons after all.

Well gee. I feel a little guilty, now.