
Eh I’m sure they would rather have black Savage Garden hearts than have black skin. 

Nobody gives a shit, bitch.

Nobody gives a fuck, bitch.

Really? Youre gonna apologize for hurting his feelings in this scenario?

Great article, very good read.

Or Bengals player falling off a truck.

He is the best gay NFL player since Kerry Rhodes. I commend him for being openly out in such a tough sport.

CF289 is right though. You should have mentioned it one more time in the last paragraph.

Lol tunk

He looks a lot like Zlatan to me. They are almost identical except born on different sides of the planet. Basically ate different diets.

It’s because they’re both black and bald huh?

It just doesn’t seem possible to die from an injury like this. I’d like to see the medical report on how he died.

Fat shaming is good because it helps people change their ways. There’s nothing appealing about being uncontrollably fat. Shame works as long as the shamed is a reasonable person.

“More then a century”

This cornball uncle Tom is utterly unlikeable.

Please stop typing, you made me <b>cringe so hard</b> with your bold lettering and biased analysis. The fact that you are so indignant towards the majority of ppl who watched the fight makes it worse. Did I mention your <b>strange vocabulary</b> choices and random bold lettering makes me <b>cringe </b>so hard my

It would not have been absurd. Golovkin won at least 8 rounds so that score would have been as errant as the 114-114 draw. I have no idea why you are ranting about race when Canelo is part Irish and GGG is Eurasian. He hardly resembles what you called “a white boxing savior”

This is one of your better articles. The videos you posted here allowed Nadal to reintroduce himself to the casual tennis viewer.

There’s racism everywhere.

It’s actually not arguable that he’s top 5 wrs of all time, its some shameful shit he wasn’t first ballot