Government Schlub

I dont think that poster isnt claiming that the officer involved isnt racist. I think what theyre saying is, even without the presumption of racist intent, the actions by themselves are criminally negligent. You can (rightfully) assume the racist disregard for human life, but at the end of the day, this officer

I’m more of a “Nazi Punks Fuck Off” type of protestor

I get that to some people, the flag of the confederacy literally just means heritage and history to them, and it does not mean slavery to them at all.

Imagine a world where a President picks Neil DeGrasse-Tyson for head of the Department of Education.

OK, maybe your reading comprehension is just off these past few days. But what the article (and the linked article) clearly state, is that the Obama administration (yes, they deported a lot of people, nobody is arguing against that point), but that they had prioritized cases in such a way to remove from society the

Well that’s traditionally kept in the all-boys Catholic schools

Great. Im glad you understand that we change presidents every 4-8 years. Yes, the Ex-ICE Director mentioned low-hanging fruit, as a metaphor for picking the easy target that the current administration is using as an example of fulfilling their campaign promises. But then you defended it as an explanation of how you

Tell me you’re a conservative Christian. Go on, tell me.

You’re talking about harvesting people. - says the prison guard, disgusted by humanity

Notice that you didn’t ask yourself why a Republican politician would say that enacting voter ID laws would carry his state for Republicans?

Those pesky poor people! Wanting food and to vote in elections! Won’t they ever learn their place? /s

If that is the only reason for voter IDs, then why would a Republican say in 2012, that “Voter ID, which is gonna allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania, done.”

Should I Google ALL the words, or just the CAPITAL words?

Yes. It’s real. I’ve worked in prisons for over 10 years and I’ve had inmates tell me that exact thing.

For example, look at the percentage of women who voted for Trump

Did you read ANY of the article, that accounted for that?

Not always, no. Not at every job. The federal law basically says you can take time off for maternity leave, if you have vacation/sick leave you can use it, otherwise, you can be off without pay.

But for the record, this should go for all veterans, that the Veterans Courts should be an option before straight-up incarceration, because not only do we have a broken justice system in this country, we set up our veterans to fail upon returning to society. I don’t honestly believe that every single veteran comes

One argument against the death penalty I never hear is, how can the staff safely care for a violent, murderous inmate for the rest of their life, when they have stated that they will kill the staff any chance that they can get. It’s almost like the people who advocate for ending the death penalty don’t care about the