gourmet goober

Earlier today, I was telling one of my clients about this weekend’s quest for pie and she told me that she found a copy of it in the Washington Post this weekend. Here’s the link.

Ok, so I have to say the drama about the shortage is very real. My husband spent 2 hours on Saturday going to three Walmarts in Northwest Indiana trying to find one of those damn things. I finally convinced him to call off the search when I realized that I had Miss Patti’s recipe for Sweet Potato Pie all along because

So, I’m still confused as to why saying someone is wearing a wig is an insult? We all know Regine wore them and girlfriend was fabulous...

I actually read that they made a cameo appearance in the end of the film with Ke$ha playing Pizzazz. Too bad it was only for a moment because she actually seemed like a good choice for the role.

What this really means is that Pizzazz and the Misfits finally win.

If that’s true, she clearly deserves hazard pay.

I saw Suspiria years ago when I was living alone. Seriously, that damn movie scared me so much I turned on every light in my apartment and hid under the covers on the couch.

Oh my God I loved Motel Hell. My friend introduced me to it years ago.

You so get me. I got The Stuff, which I must have seen 800 times secretly as a kid. Of course, Sleepaway Camp would be the only other acceptable answer.

Wait. Wasn’t Cruel Intentions 2 really footage from the controversial Fox pilot that didn’t make it? How is NBC going to be able to pull off some of the pearl clutching teen action?

I’m not surprised as there seemed to be so much wrong with this movie. No cheesy hologram effects. No Synergy. No MisFits (seriously?) or awesome rock soundtrack. It’s like they gave no fucks for the source material at all.

You know, I think you’re spot on.. I was in college in the 90’s too and it was this kind of sex education was huge-but it was also because there was still soo much we didn’t know. Many of those programs were just designed to make students become more aware of their bodies and their right to responsible sexual health.

I really don’t see why the school freaked out so much. When I was a resident assistant years ago, we actually regularly scheduled fake orgasm contests under the guise of holding a program on safe sex and sexual wellness. Not only did the administration not get pissed...but they used our program as one to be duplicated

Uggh. I feel your pain. At least once a month, I find myself standing in line at Target or Starbucks to find someone touching my hair. And yes, one lady at Starbucks once sent her little girl outside to ask if she could touch it. I almost said yes until she said she had to because it reminded her of her dog’s fur.

I’m a curly girl as well, and have tried almost everything under the sun to keep my hair from drying out. Although I’ve tried a lot of conditioners, I keep going back to Hello Hydration from Herbal Essence. That stuff is the business-especially with when I break out the afro.

Ugh! People like Jeb remind me so much of the kids in my elementary school years ago. I was part of the group of kids who was bussed into the “township schools” in Indianapolis in the early 80’s, so we basically integrated the schools (In a nutshell, Indianapolis neighborhoods created townships schools as a way to

Can I just say that the “Thank you White Guy” is the most hilarious part of this story? I nearly choked on my PSL laughing from that.

Yep! In fact the original ad for it actually said that it was always intended to be a show for adults. Clearly the moms missed the boat on this one.

Well, to be fair, my parents have been piggybacking on my Hulu subscription for years (mainly because they can figure out streaming but can’t figure out how to sign up for their own online). So I feel no absolutely shame in enjoying channels through their digital AT&T U Verse.

I rarely say this about people. But she deserves all the bad karma that is heading her way right now. That video was so mean and vicious, it actually made me cry. I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. And like so many women with the disease, I struggle with my weight. It’s like I woke up in a different body. I went from