gourmet goober

The thought of screwing Ted Cruz is going to haunt me for weeks ( I know because I had a similar reaction to thinking what fresh hell it must be to sleep with Donald Trump). So I’m going to say no on that.

Ugh. On one hand, what Trump did was sexist and creepy. NOT at all acceptable. On the other hand, don’t forget that Carly was caught doing something similar to her opponent Barbara Boxer.

Perhaps The Donald needs some straight talk from Cyn.

I reluctantly admit that the Serena and Kim picture is cute. But isn’t there a Kardashian curse when it comes to athletes? I know it usually applies to those who date them (btw, good luck with that James Harden) but Serena’s been on a roll lately and I wouldn’t take any chances if I were her.

I just got into this show and have been trolling Youtube to get caught up beyond what’s on Hulu. It’s really brilliant and definitely not just for kids.

No, Ms. Palin. We can’t understand you.

Hey, I understand the reference even though technically I was a child of the 80’s. That being said-I totally vote for Rocko’s Modern Life. That show had to be one of the dirtiest Nicktoons ever and I loved every minute of it.

Awww...fuck. This. Guy. I’d pay money to see Idris read the phone book dressed as the Easter Bunny. Seriously, take several seats sir.

“an unconscious vision that white people have—that their grandchildren might be a hated minority in their own country.”

So basically, Jennifer Lawrence has terrible friends.

Sadly, I’m terrified about that too. Which fucking sucks, to be honest.

Sigh. What is up with freaking fraternities? When I was in college, Sigma Nu was actually the most progressive frat on BSU’s campus. Not only did they have the most diverse brotherhood, but they co-sponsored a Take Back the Night event with the residence halls. Not to mention that their social director was an out and

I admit I hate most of his movies too. But I do love I’m Not There. If only because of the ingenious cast choices. The boy who played Woody Guthrie absolutely nailed it.

A thousand times yes. I loved that movie when I was a kid. Yul was both amazing and terrifying.

I support this as long as Kendall is not linked with Chandler Parsons again. I want the Mavs to have a chance this year. Seriously, nothing seems to tank a basketball player more than hooking up with that family. Which is why I hope Khloe enjoys a long relationship with James Harding.

So, my kinky 4b/4c afro that I was constantly told as a child was ugly, undesirable and just plain wrong by commercials pushing relaxers, people suggesting hot combs or white classmates who helpfully threw things in was always just an “individual expression” when another culture attempts to do it. Alrighty then. Glad

Now if they could bring back Right On! And Big Daddy Kane while they’re at it. That brother was easy on the eyes.

I didn’t know Whitesnake was still performing. I remember listening to them back when I was just a little goober in the 80’s. The proposal was really sweet-so congrats to Drea. The only thing that made my skin crawl was seeing lead singer David Coverdale. He’s always gave off creepy vibes to me ever since he called

It’s shocking how even all these years later, he doesn’t seem to know (or care) how sick this is.

I call shenanigans on this. Seriously, if this worked all of us Chicagoans would look like supermodels. All of them could save their money and just spend a winter in Chitown instead.