gourmet goober

I still wear the shade my grandmother introduced me to years ago. Revlon’s Cherries in the Snow. She usually only wore Fashion Fair (on account of the fact that they were one of the few companies that catered to black women back then) but her one go-to color was Cherries in the Snow. She would go to the drugstore and

Back in the day, I would have picked Al B Sure! over Robin Thicke too. Nite and Day was quite the jam.

Even though I consider myself a MFFL - I so wouldn’t get with Mark Cuban. But I would raid his wardrobe for the t-shirts.

Yes. So this...

Watching this was so disheartening for so many reasons. I didn’t realize it at first from her mug shot, but my husband reminded me that we met her years ago. We attended the same church (DuPage AME) and she was over the youth group. She was really sweet-not at all as they described her initially in the report. I

Oh. My. God. I just googled the trailer for this. Why did I not know about a Dolph Lundgren game show? Why is it stuck on Reelz? This is my new happy place.

Oh my gosh. That’s horrible. I can’t imagine someone doing that just because he lost at pool. Hugs to your friend and I hope that asshole got punished.

Is this a generational thing? I only ask because when I was in college years ago, I once beat my now-husband (we were BFFs at the time) 77 times in a row while playing Mortal Kombat on Super NES (yes, I’m old). It got so comical that I actually let him pick the character that I beat him with. In the end, he wasn’t

I second this. Although considering how Lee tried to drag Mo’Nique before my girl brought receipts proving she was right about the Empire and everything else. So I am Team Mo’Nique on this one.

I just can’t today. Yes dude. Those folks were totally freaking racist. And you need help.

I’ve heard so many good things about The Knick and I haven’t gotten around to seeing it yet. I’m hoping it will hit netflix soon.

This is probably one of the most diverse list of Emmy nominees that I’ve seen in a long time. Growing up, my family and I would joke about who would get the coveted POC spot when they listed nominees. Because, like Highlander, there could only be one person per category. It’s nice to see more actors getting their due.

At least some of these flavors look somewhat plausible. The choices they had in years’ past looked like they were created by China, IL’s Baby Cakes.

I’m so in love with your avatar name BTW. I’m obsessed with Bob’s Burgers and say that line to my friends all the time.

Ok, I guess my gaydar is broken because I totally missed that about Jeffrey all the times I watched the show. They are adorable together though.

Leah is so brave for speaking out. I used to live near the CoS Clearwater headquarters. And many of the people in the town during that time was SERIOUSLY afraid of them. It was during the Lisa McPherson trial and the way that they were able to get to the people who was set to testify against them was not short of

I’ve decided I want to be Amandla when I grow up! She is certainly inspiring.

OMG, I love his laugh. It’s part of the reason he’s so hot. He giggles like a schoolboy and I totally dig it.

Damn.I’ve never noticed what a babe he is. Totally competing with Michael Symon as my main Food Network crush now.

I was wondering that too. To Kill a Mockingbird is hands down my favorite book of all time but I don’t think I’d feel right reading the new book if Harper Lee didn’t give it her full blessing.