gourmet goober

Damn. You have my sympathies on that one. :(

I know. That’s the consolation prize, I guess. Still, I admit to getting down with a pint of Ben & Jerry’s last night to get over how upset I was.

And the real losers are Dallas Mavs fans, who watched DeAndre basically screw up our season. Seriously, even if you wanted to eat fried chicken and pizza with your boys until midnight when it was legal for you to sign your contract with the Clippers, at least do the adult thing in regards to the initial agreement. Did

My thoughts exactly. It’s funny that this story came out today, because I watched an episode of Ellen this afternoon where Kevin Nealon went to a Hello Kitty convention. Time and time again, people stopped him to vehemently let him know that she was a little girl. So, those whiskers and ears are what, exactly?

I’m still confused as to how she’s a little girl and not a cat. Does that mean that Keroppi isn’t really a frog?

I’m so torn. I’ve heard that it’s a pretty bad flick. But can I say that I’m obsessed with Werner Herzog ever since I saw his documentary Mein Best Fiend or his wacked out Bad Lieutenant Port of Call New Orleans? He normally rocks.

Totally agree. Popovich is just a badass. Even though I’m a MFFL too, I can stand for this.

Thank you! That was my response when I read that part too. The whole thing makes it sounds as though she saw black people as a fashion accessory or something. To be fair, she may have been misquoted. However, considering the fact that Kim just discovered that maybe bigotry and racism was a thing (this despite her past

Thank you for writing this. This happens to me all of the time (including one embarrassing moment when the lady at Hartsfield-Jackson ran after me demanding to feel up my kinky fro). My friends think I’m crazy when I talk about it. But it does happen and it’s so damn annoying. Especially considering the last time it

The only things that gets me is how irrational adult crushes can be. For example, I fully confess to having a crush on NBA star Dirk Nowitzki. Is he a super-babe? No. But I mainly crush on him because in a league of arrogant assholes he actually seems like a nice guy and that’s why he’s attractive to me. Of course,

Is it bad that I had no idea about who Grace was* until I saw her badass doppelganger Myrtle Snow on American Horror Story? So, I’m definitely glad that she is going to have another book for me to dig into. I can’t wait.

It’s so funny that I read this article today. A few hours ago, I was at Walgreens and was stunned to see that they still sold Jean Nate. My mother was very strict growing up (no make up or perfume before 16) but for some reason allowed me to wear her Jean Nate body splash when I was 12 or so. Of course, I overdid it

I am so with you on that. We should make it a drinking game. LOL. Hopefully Jezebel is going to have an open thread because that debate is going to be off the chain cray.

Ok. We can’t have all of these crazy peeps running for president and NOT have Jon Stewart. I mean Trump, Jindal and Christy? C’mon Jon. This is comedy gold. There’s gotta be a way to persuade him not to leave...

Yass! I adore Paula and Brian Babylon is hysterical. I was sorry to hear that he left Vocalo’s morning amp last month.

Me too! I had a chance to see a live taping about 2 years ago and met Carl. He was amazing.

In my mind, chicken heaven can only be Gladys & Ron’s in Atlanta. Hopefully Doggie found his rest next to one of their fluffy waffles.

I’ll definitely take some more Channing Tatum rump shaking. Yass.

I’m still puzzled about the supposed “misconception about the ethnicity of the original” Tiger Lilly character. Wasn’t J.M. Barie pretty clear about that in the original book? I mean, Oliver Herford’s drawings explicitly presented her as an Native American. If you just want to whitewash the role-just say so Hollywood.

Even though I hate most reality shows-I really loved Run’s House. To be honest, I’d rather watch Rev Run and his wife Justine host a show. Unlike most reality show couples-they actually seem like they have their shit together.