gourmet goober

Thank you. I’ve never understood the freakout factor of that word. I never even knew that it was apparently verboten until I had a boss totally go nuts when I used it during a conversation several years ago. Trust me, I can think of much more upsetting words.

So, they are going to commit what most churches teaches are sins (divorcing, having sex and

That’s too bad. I loooved The Heat and I think they kind of set it up for a sequel with the way it ended. But I’d definitely watch them in another movie together they have great chemistry,

Man, I loved Sha Na Na as a kid. I actually dressed up as Bowzer for Halloween one year.

Is it wrong that all I think about when I read this is that I wish Frizz-Ease worked on my kinky hair like that? Because my hair kinda laughs at it when I attempt to use it.

You are so wrong for that one.

To everyone who says it’s an awesome fucking job-it is. And he misses it. Obviously its sports journalism and not rocket science. No one is going to live or die if the questions don’t get answered. And I can see it from the athlete’s point of view because you’re definitely right-who wants to get the same questions all

I’m so torn about this. Riley is truly the cutest thing on Earth. And she definitely has personality to spare. On the other hand, I do sort of feel for the reporters. My hubby used to do this for work so I know the reporters’ side of things. Often times, they come in with some questions that their editors are

All awesome looks. But nothing beats Nigel Ficke. He will forever rule Electric Daisy my friends.

Was this tweet before or after she was photographed in Monaco with what some people are calling a Dirty Sprite (Sprite mixed with Codeine Syrup)? Because if it was afterwards, that might explain things... *

At my wedding, no one really wanted to do the bouquet toss except my sister. So my single girlfriends and I did a kind of soul train line where we just passed it off to her in the end. It made it fun without seeming awkward. My mom, ever the traditionalist, was kind of pissed that we didn’t do it “the normal way.”

Sure. Come along! And we can share Dirk.

OMG that made my morning. Lewis Black is the man.

Trust me, I’m kidding. I live in Indiana and I wanted to vote us out of the Union after our RFRA fiasco.

Whoa. Didn’t know about him. Yep-he gets rescued too.

I think we all agree that it’s time to bid adieu to the Lone Star State. But get the Dallas Mavericks out of there first. Because I kind of got a crush on Nowitzki.

Or they could just take a page from Drop Dead Diva and make a Pake. Problem solved

Ok, is it odd that they are all sitting around watching Khloe get laser work on her ass? Just sitting around drinking tea, eating scones and watching some outpatient plastic surgery on their sister? I’d like to think that I’m close to my siblings but can’t imagine doing this. Boundaries, people. Boundaries.

I really want to give Jay Leno the benefit of the doubt. But then I remembered the Letterman/Lemo fiasco (as detailed in the excellent book The Late Shift) as well as how he treated Conan. So yeah, he probably did it on purpose.

That would be pretty awesome, actually. I can imagine Hova posing with EVOO during the cooking segments.