
So I guess we're not doing this anymore? That's sad.

Get a WiiU, it will remedy this problem.

Sounds like it's chock full of all the stuff I didn't like about the original Xenoblade. Pass.

Spencer sucks.

I later got an emulation to work on my WiiU, so I did play it after. I thought it worked fine as a prequel sort to RD. I like RD more, but liked seeing baby Ike.

My attempted entry point was Radiant Dawn, and holy shit I got completely wrecked. I then had a long unscheduled trip, so I used it to play Awakening in preparation for playing Radiant Dawn. Radiant Dawn was still hard, but it wasn't completely impossible (as it is for a newcomer).

They do sometimes, with things like Fire Emblem, Zelda, and Metroid, but it's just not often enough.

I'm playing the original GBA Fire Emblem in anticipation of FE: Fates which just had it's release date announced. It's a bit simpler than the new game, but it also doesn't have face rubbing, so that's nice.

I probably would be as well but I didn't really enjoy the previous one. Felt like it was too much busy work and the characters felt a little flat.

The Yoshi, Kirby, Splatoon, and Mario Maker games released are indeed very good games. I think Yoshi in particular is incredible.

Should just call it "Tier Olds"

I am loving it. Top 5 season potential at this point. Tons of blindsides, shifting alliances, successful idol plays, immunity gods, strong personalities. Why else do you watch Survivor?

Counterpoint: it sucks.

Poor Vytas and his shorts.

Her edit was her own. The show knew that casual fans loved having her back. If there was anything of interest they would have shown it.

Survivor Stock Watch

Counterpoint: nope, they suck.

Sure, Spencer is doing amazingly. I didn't say Stephen was doing the best out there, just that he isn't completely worthless.

Still completely blames "the twists". Idols aren't twists, manbaby.

Couldn't go 2 minutes without insulting someone.