
I want to take this season out back behind prom and get it pregnant

He never said he was the greatest strategist ever, that was Savage making shit up.

Tocantins is incredible. One of the best all newbies seasons.

I like Shirin personally, but there is A LOT of drama when she is around.

Only because Stephen drew first blood. It was defensive, not proactive.

Yup, they knew Stephen was trying to stir shit up while Savage wanted the status quo.

How dare someone/something impede his success!


Although he's Probst's buddy I thought he was edited fairly. Some people were REALLY put off by his attitude, while others liked him. That speaks to it being fair.

Last season made me appreciate people like Keith this season. His scene this episode was pure ecstasy.

I think they're in an OK spot. Savage was really the stick in the mud that didn't want to make moves. Everyone else in that alliance knows they have to actively do things to win. It's going to be balls to the wall from here on out.

I would say, that I disagree with the opinion that Stephen had a bad episode. His edit is still bizarre, but he's only still around because of the bonds he built with people like Jeremy and Kimmi. Seriously, the fact that he didn't end up getting target is a testimony to his social game.

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The idol stuff is crazy. It seems that only two people even know if they exist. It's probably driving people like Spencer and Stephen crazy that there hasn't even been a hint of idols.

You should head over to the Purple Rock Podcast, as they are the official Savage backers of the internet. Some of them love him, and the others are kind of just being contrarian.

If the story had a point maybe. But it had this really melodramatic set-up, followed by "and then we got married and live happily ever after."

Kelley was a popular pick before the season, and her case is getting stronger by the episode. She has to be a clear #1, if only because Jeremy is getting the short end of the screen time stick.

His game is good. His edit is TERRRIBLEEEEEEE

Contrast his attitude with Kass's Ponderosa video, and you can really see what kind of people they are.

Savage takes anything happening not exactly according to his plan so personally. We have to start the episode with him calling Kass etc. pieces of shit and saying they need to fuck off? I would not want to be the one to hand him the wrong iron at the country club.