
What is dead may never die.

Me, I will.

So just play it on the WiiU?

Vaginas are that scary eh?

Come to the Purple Rock Podcast. Most of the AVClub people are over there, especially after they killed regular coverage.

That little fucker better be worth it.


sharculese knows what's up.

I will probably ask 'who is that' every single time Kevan is on the screen until he is killed (likely offscreen)

Go to bed, grandpa.


Thems fightin' words.

They already did, and it was shit.

The first party games will likely never drop, until maybe the next system comes out. Nintendo games are notorious for holding their value.Pikmin and Bayonetta are already rare and likely to only increase in value. The main 'mario' games might drop in price later. I mean there are still regular Wii games going for

Kojima looks like he needs a nap.

I'm lucky to have tickets for a showing, but I'd like to know more about what the specifics of seeing in 70mm

Nope, I listened and really liked the first season. I'm just distilling the show to its core. Being 'for the NPR crowd' also means it's better researched and produced than something like '48 hours mysteries'.

Yes, it's basically 48 hours mysteries for the NPR crowd.

Lena Dunham.

It's something they've covered since season 4. Every other show on earth is covered here, so why not TC? Bizarre.