
Ugh, 'Bayon Brothers'. And you know he says things like "Tasha is just one of the guys!"

The only thing Mark Burnett has to do with this show is cashing checks. It's all Probst's now.

A beautiful, strong, perfect villain

Survivor Stock Watch

I'm having a small gathering to play Until Dawn as a group. Hopefully they kill _____, because god are they annoying. You know who I'm talking about.

No he's exactly the same. Some people like it, some people don't.

Yeah he also slipped as soon as he hit the oil slide. He just also got sympathetic and strategic airtime in addition to being a dodo.

Wow I had no idea it was so extensive. I thought it was just a few here and there. I blame a Hantz.

Seems like they're using it to set up something for Kass. Next week might be a big one for her, in terms of going home or taking control.

I figured people knew about Terry, but Woo was a spoiler?

Kass and Ciera probably didn't want to vote for an original Bayon, thus Woo over Savage. Also Abi hates Woo and pushed the vote to him (verified by Ciera on twitter).

I just remember this challenge and all the shots of Chelsea on One World. Were they justified? Probably. Were they creepy. Oh yes.

He's dead.

Stephens edit is bizarre, but I think now he's being set up as the new narrator. He was comic relief before, but now he's the insider that lets us know what's going on.

Survivor Stock Watch

You have just scratched it. You should probably watch Blue Velvet first, and then Mulholland Dr. Lost Highway kind of feels like a dry run for some of the stuff in MD, but is still amazing. Eraserhead is the most 'arty' of his movies, but if you like black and white arthouse movies without much dialogue, it'll

More reviews by Tasha, please.

She was but she now lives in the Woodlands, which is where shitty rich assholes live in Houston.

That's how memorable he was!

10 Joes. 10 Malcolms. 1 Survivor!