
Also, IT'S ANDREW SAVAGE. She basically just pulled the same thing Stephen did.

I loved Kimmi's response though, classic Texan. "No, they move and more will come, RESOURCES ARE INFINITE!"

False. Malcolm 4eva.

I want more Reynolds on Survivor in order to watch him throw things at other things.

Yeah also, good TV. Sometimes sports are just meant to be fun.

It's just the edit. I don't think he's actually doing anything worthwhile.

Yup. Have to see if he's willing to make moves later in the game though.

Nah, Chris sucks too hard.

Kim is a goddess and will never be replicated.

Survivor Stock Watch

That or they're just trying to show us something other than "hey the shitty tribe loses again"

Yeah they mentioned how the beach was 'dead' so I'm guessing there was nothing edible within their walking distance.

I love Varner so this sounds crazy, but I was actively rooting for Woo in that TC. It would have been so shitty for him to go out there.

I cannot believe that Joe didn't run that thing.

I actually forgot she was on this season this episode until my wife mentioned her.

Survivor Stock Watch

How do you titillate an ocelot? You oscillate its tit a lot.

Survivor Stock Watch

Oh nothing is wrong with them. What's wrong is that Survivor is completely ignoring them other than to show them praising the strong men on their tribe. It's gross.

Yeah I was wondering that too. Really don't want Spencer to submarine Stephen's escape.