
This is typical though isn’t it? A school doesn’t do a damn thing about someone being bullied and then when the person being abused decides to stand up for themselves the administration complains that the student should have come to them. Really? Because when Micah tells the teacher that the bastard was using racial


Me waiting for the inevitable leak of emails and phone calls between the then-campaign and the Russian government.

For all it’s faults, the Wii U had a great library of games. The 3DS has put out classic after classic, too. I think the combined affection is what’s building the Switch hype. Plus, it looks super cool, and has a key feature no other home console has.

five years is the average life span of a console. the 360 and PS3 lasted so long because they launched in the middle of a global financial crisis.

It’s on Clinton and everyone in the DNC who helped her win the nomination through the sham of a primary. But keeping picking those establishment moderate democrats...America just loves em. Gore, Kerry, Clinton...mmm, in none of those elections was there ever really a choice. The DNC had decided who was going to win.

We can’t have players with personality doing well in the NHL.

How do you know the combination to my luggage???

“Unemployed man spends money on lavish vacation and we have the pictures to prove it!” FoxNews Sports1

Christ who actually pays for their splash mountain picture?

That is absolutely true. Last time they were in power they were able to get a shitty healthcare bill passed that gave just enough of a blowjob to the insurance industry to wrangle their centrists and please their donors.

It takes a pretty myopic person to think that any of these:

I guess to understand it you’d have to look at what happens with Democrats actually in power vs. their stated platform.

Hamno, you cranked this fucker right out of the park

To be pedantic, one could certainly consider Russia to currently be an enemy of the United States, what with their successfully hacking American political officials, waging information warfare, and disrupting a presidential election in order to boost their preferred candidate, and one could certainly consider whatever

Easter is a pagan fertility holiday. Rabbits and eggs are symbols of fertility. Then, The Church came along and co-opted it.

No, he seriously hates marijuana. What kind of person in this day and age hates marijuana?

I would suggest spotting your friend when they are doing bench presses and when they can’t lift the weight off their chest, ask them “Killary, what’s that you said about Killary again?”...

I liked Your Highness. There I said it. I’m not ashamed.