
There are a lot of black voters in Georgia (hello Atlanta Renaissance!) who will see his face and think he won’t represent him. Lewis carries a lot of weight.

The only thing he brings his woman-hating boner to is his boyfriend.

I mean, if I needed a new laptop and money was no object I would very seriously consider buying a new MacBook and loading Windows 10 on it. Would never boot into MacOS because I prefer Windows, but Apple does make some fine hardware.

“So he was basically using a $2,500 desktop as a monitor?”

People who hate adulthood are just doing it wrong. Like yeah it has it moments that suck, but that’s just life.

never. i would never want to be a child again. #teamadult

Whoever wrote that headline

Outside the bathroom? I wonder what that’s like. Mine essentially break the door down if I try to close them out. Even if I get up at three in the morning to go, I have at least one if not two furry ankle warmers winding around me...My old cat (who would have been my witch’s familiar in other circumstances) used to,

Camilla Luddington would have been a dead ringer for Lara Croft. There I said it.

aw. my cats love me so much, it’s always so obvious. they always sit next to me (or on top of me), wherever i go in the house. they follow me everywhere too and wait for me outside the bathroom. i don’t know if they know when i’m coming home, but every day as i pull up to the house after work, they’re in the window

Girl, you did not just leave out Maxine Waters...

Glad she’s now in a position to put that pragmatism to work.

She was meeting with the telecoms while Bernie went out to march with the employees of Verizon. If you will it, it is no dream.

Good fucking luck, Hector. The DNC just finished demonstrating that the Democrats learned absolutely nothing from their most recent failure and will continue making the same mistakes over and over and over.

I called my rep over here in GA, prepared my best Customer Service Voice, and prepared for the time of my life.
Staffer: How may I help you?
Me, in my Finest Southern Accent: How do you do, is Representative [redacted] available?
Staffer: Uh, no ma’am, he’s not.
Me, Rolling a Natural 20 on my Charisma Check: Oh, well

Haha. This made my day :)

I know how it can get worse: A complicit FBI director who, himself, sought to affect the outcome of the election to the benefit of the very POTUS he claims to be “investigating.”

“I fought the network very hard so that those conventions could come to fruition,” he said. “So, like the first episode I do, that “Black-White Supremacist” sketch. And it’s like, ‘Well, that’s 10 minutes long. It should be five minutes long.’ Why should it be five minutes long? Like, these types of conventions.

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