
Don T. Care

You’re part of the problem.

Just call it Mylk and be done with it :)

Jared’s dad died in prison. Hopefully it runs in the family.

Call Rob Manfred with your disapproval: 212-931-7800 ext 7811

Unless a product is marked cow hide, it’s dog leather from china. Feel free to google it but do it on an empty stomach.

Try 610-966-6917 or

I agree with everything with one small caveat; Pat Toomey’s staff can go fuck themselves. That is all.  

Looks like a Tapir

Umm have you seen the democrats voting record. Let them know we aren’t going to rubberstamp everything the repubs want. This isn’t going to be like the democrats did in 2003.

They tried to buy their way into heaven after all the misery they caused. But then again, reasoning with someone that is for child slavery isn’t going to go far.  

You forgot Puppy Mill Capital and football coaches raping kids for 30 years.

Women’s March Post Cards!!!

The Attorney for the ACLU needs to start going by his middle name.

There was a vote in Pittsburgh in the late 90's to build new football and baseball stadiums. The people overwhelmingly voted against it. They built them anyway.

I call him every day at his local office. Last friday I completely lost it on one of his interns. “How does it feel working for someone that supports a biggot!?!?!!?”

You should get a Wii U. Not being a smartass. It’s so much more carefree than my Xbone.

Drew, is that you?