

I spent the last 3 years editing a documentary about this story. It will be premiering at festivals in the next couple months. It's an amazing story.

.... slow clap..... daddy rikey.

Illustration of my brain saying fuck this and leaving:

First thing I thought of.

You mean Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A?

I'm glad we are finding enough funding for this project. We aren't paying for all of it, the Germans and Italians are also funding and eventually operating this system. Its a nice step up from the Patriot missile system. The Patriot was problematic during the Gulf War, despite all the supposed SCUD hits they showed on

at least it wasn't in portrait mode.

The Hyundai driver, without a doubt.

I cost more than all your neighbors houses and will hide here and eat their children

Android because it's actually readable during refresh.

I thought about using that guy, but...he didn't seem like the Audi type :)

Sorry, I didn't realize you were an eye witness. I guess we should blame the neighborhood watch guy for investigating suspicious activity when there have been a series of crimes occuring. I don't believe that Zimmerman intended to kill anyone that night. I think that he panicked and feared for his saftey when this

I knew that no matter what happened in the trial, Zimmerman would be seen as guilty. The whole thing was an absolute joke, the media mud slinged both sides, it became political (THANKS OBAMA!) and it left everyone with a bad taste in their mouth. Regardless, he was found innocent by 6 indiviual Americans, our peers