
Supercars burst into flames much?

yeoo the morning shift should be a video. Just sayin, I do enough reading.

Is there an android equivalent that works with osx?

Look at me I opened my browser and wrote and article about it! yippie!

Are you serious dude? His site is terrible on so many levels. Dig his animations though.

YEah did you?

Too bad this is the best page on his site.


7!?!?! Holy shit wtf are they? Better yet who cares.

An all land route through the

what the fuck are they thinking it looks like shit

Costs $ to keep a ship tied up

These guys suck to shoot at 18,000 fps you need 18,000X more light. Shooting outside on a overcast day isn't going to cut it. Rent some lights you cheap fuck. FAIL.

Shit happens.

no surprise he cant drive that beast