Probably more pleasant than watching it.
Probably more pleasant than watching it.
Greg is a psychopath. Slow your roll, dude. It’s conditioner and she donated to the fucking homeless.
First off, you don’t get to plan your own bachelor party. You can make suggestions, but the planning is on the best man.
Dude out here thinking he's a punter
What the fuck kind of take is that ham talk? Ham is fucking amazing and stands on its own far better than turkey which requires gravy to be made palatable. A spiral cut ham or a salty Smithfield ham makes life worth living when surrounded by snot-nosed niblings or Trump-humping uncles.
Indeed. And it’s probably something tacky and cliche like Amsterdam.
The city is actually Cardiff, and even the letter writer is too embarrassed to admit it.
Wow, Jordan’s friend is an incredible douchecanoe. “Six days in a medium-sized European city?” What.The.Fuck.
There’s nothing normal about Cincinnati’s distribution.
Steve Wilks was fired so fast, I didn’t even know if he was black or white until right now.
I was puzzled at that. This season was meant to be an anomaly with two early tie games, yet Marvin picked up three of those over his career?
Sam Wyche didn't coach as long and he had a worse winning percentage, but he occasionally DID things. They almost won a Super Bowl once. I'll take that roller coaster over the slow tractor ride to nowhere that Marvin led.
Sounds like the name you’d give a killer whale.
How anyone can blame anyone but Franklin for this is kinda nuts to me. I think you hit the nail on the head here, she was stubborn and “old school”, and it’s going to cost her family massively.
Aretha didn’t even have a will. She is going to cost her family millions of dollars just because she was one of those old stubborn people who didn’t want to take advice.
Not really seeing how this is ghoulish. You gotta pay your taxes. Dying doesn’t erase your debt.
Everything was going fine with the system until the power grid was shut off by dickless here...
I think it’s only disrespectful if you make it so. Like, if you wander into church late or wearing inappropriate clothing or just... being a jackass during services, then yeah, it’s disrespectful. But if you’re there to appreciate the space and place you’re in, then it’s all good. We often find ourselves at religious…
Not ah Fingah!