Flug Dutie

I like the MC, particular at the end when he’s like “you know you coulda . . . ah fuck it, whatever, it’s over.”

This movie was so right but for all the wrong reasons.

Eh this feels like a bullshit “Eh I was just joking” that a lot of ignorant people fall back on when they fuck up.

Can we all agree that John is peeing himself?

They’ve been cracking down hard the past couple of years. If you’re in town during an important government event or there’s something they don’t want in the news they squash pretty much every vpn for the duration. You can get through and the paid vpn companies are good about fighting the crackdown, but it can be a

Most hotels don’t have vpns, so your experience is unique. Likely because you were traveling for business and were booked into specific hotels for that reason, or just got lucky.

I think there are two types of people who get pumped for this game: The hardcore “This game means so much because of the military!!!!!!!!11!1!” types, and hardcore football nerds. I’m in the latter category. Two option heavy/mostly run-based teams usually means low-scores, which doesn’t appeal to your casual to

He actually resigned several weeks ago, but he didn’t think he had to report it to the school.


And Nets.

I’m not saying there’s a reason Jets” and “Mets” sound so similar, but I'm not not saying it either. 

That spot was AWFUL. Every replay showed that Murray was stopped well before the first down line, yet it was called a first down and then upheld on review. Just a terrible job.

Merry fucking Christmas Thielen!! Joy to you and all your motherfucking family!!

Should have gone with that favorite preposition of editors everywhere, “amid.”

Have you no sense of decency, sir?

Still only the second worst McCarthy in Wisconsin history. 

Might end up being the best for the Bills future though. A win could be the difference between drafting at no 7. for a guy who’s going to leave as soon as his rookie contract ends vs. no 12. for a guy who’s traded for a future 4th round pick after his first year.

What you said (the Oprah comment) is likely going to hurt the feelings of most people, even if they don’t like Oprah. Did you realize this before you said it? If so, why did you say it? I’ve found that trying to avoid hurting people’s feelings is paramount to being liked.

There’s something about professions that have strict hierarchical structures that seem to be lightening-rods for bullying, and in nursing it’s so common that researchers frequently use the profession to study relational bullying:

Well, not really since you had to click on it to then scroll down to comment on it.