A bee’s penis & testicles are the same thing - it’s an endophallus. During climax the bee becomes paralysed, the endophallus explodes & rips off as bee backflips, & it dies.
A bee’s penis & testicles are the same thing - it’s an endophallus. During climax the bee becomes paralysed, the endophallus explodes & rips off as bee backflips, & it dies.
How... could that be confirmation bias?
Well said. It matches my thoughts pretty much to a tee.
I won’t lie - when I donated to a GoFundMe for medical bills, I did a “WTF?” when the couple was posting from Disneyland a few months later. I didn’t say anything (until now), but I sure as hell thought it. I knew it was a donation (i.e., gift) and yep - their prerogative what to do with it. For all I know, they did…
TLDR “lending” money to family should be placed in the giving money away box in your mind. Sure do it if you can, but don’t plan on getting it back.
As with any close friend or family member, I would encourage you to consider these gifts rather than loans. Allow them to pay you back when/if they can, but if they never do, don’t let that get between you. Let them call it a loan if it makes them feel less dependent or hurts their pride less, but tell yourself that…
I thought that this article was going to be about the best ways to pass along an inheritance by minimizing tax liability.
I was actually surprised by how big the gulf was between “recognize them immediately” and “who the fuck is that?”. Only 2-3 guys it took a second, but I could identify (like Zimmer, really...specific look, but took a second). 5-7 of them I couldn’t guess even with a list of coaches in front of me.
Not at all. I did not recognize him.
Trying to figure this out myself.
I had no idea Patricia was that fat.
I would just say that the single account setup has worked for me and my wife, but we have compatible savings/spending habits, and we talk openly about things. Having separate accounts just seems to be against the intent of marriage.
I mean.. probably? But this is literally the one time I don’t think a newsstory needs to be about Trump.
Hey! Only 5 days a week, pal!
Brady Hoke’s text is by far the funniest of all of this. That deserves its own headline and story.
Sure 2.5 million sounds like a lot but you have to weigh that against all of Tennessee’s success over the last few years like...
I know its a Deadspin headline and it’s funny... but... thats a crock of shit. Miller was definitely interested in the job. Arizona wants him out and he was looking for a life raft. The Pitt brain trust decided they didn’t want to stake their reputation on the chance of Miller coming to Pitt and then promptly getting…