Flug Dutie

I got hit by a car when I was 14, and took a $20k settlement at 19. I invested the whole sum, and left it alone after that. With additional contributions over the years my little pile of cash has gotten quite large. I’m sure glad I didn’t listen to all those people telling me to go buy a sweet truck or spend the money

My Brother borrowed money from my father to buy his first car, I remember him guilt tripping him constantly to do things he “needed to do that day” without any notice or warning and my brother had to cancel plans constantly to appease him (and this was AFTER he had payed him back for the car in full). after watching

You continue to be a fan and i will continue being the man.

The best part is “I’ll continue being the man.”

Byard might be an All-Pro safety, but is KB31_Era? No.

My favorite part is that Primetime didn’t even bother to look at the actual list of All-Pro safeties jsut to, like, figure out what the “random fan” was talking about.

Obviously Twitter is another thing Deion couldn’t tackle…

The article acknowledges that.

Pound the money in your 401(k). You can always take out a loan from yourself (401(k) loan) at super low interest rates in an emergency situation.

With 40 right around the corner, my wife and I are one of the only couples we know that’s not on “economic outpatient care” from parents. I don’t know if that makes me proud to be secure in my financial position or disappointed in my choice of friends.

Careful, he’ll stick that thing up your ass and pull the trigger ‘til it goes “click.”

“Butter doesn’t spoil, geniuses, leave it out on the counter to roomtemperaturize.”

Your granddad is more of a man than I’ll ever be. I once made the Pixy stix sandwich from The Breakfast Club just for shits and giggles. Sweet stuff on white bread is fucking repulsive.

I’m debt free. It took a lifetime, but the house is paid off, all credit cards are at zero balance, and I have no other outstanding debts secured or otherwise. I don’t owe anyone a single penny. It’s a great feeling.

Fucking kids. Look, the way those dances work is, whatever whatever whatever, until the last two songs, when it’s a double blast of back-to-back “Hotel California” and “Stairway to Heaven”, and you sprint to be the first one to take Diane’s hand and pull her to the dance floor, before Marc gets there.

Yes. The real monsters aren’t the top-scrapers, it’s the barbarians who put out rock-hard frozen butter from the fridge on the dinner table to go with the fluffy light dinner rolls. Might as well apply the butter with the immersion blender, the carnage will be the same.

Our middle school had a rule that kids couldn’t wear sweat pants (it was the late ‘80s), and 7th grade me thought it was so stupid. I asked my Dad, who was a principal at an elementary school, why, and he just looked at me and said, “Boners.” There has never been a more obvious answer to a question.

Yup. As someone who runs a small business, cashflow covers a ton of sins.

You are exactly right. It’s a shift in culture.