Flug Dutie

“Simple sayings can’t be taken for granite. Still, he must be so in bear assed.” - Emmitt Smith

The true old man gripe is just anything to do with teens. EVERYONE hates teens. Little kids hate them, old people hate them, teens hate each other. Everything they do makes me so angry as an old man. If I see some teens in my neighborhood I will stare them down until they leave.

To me, it means having the choice to work for a living or not work. A lot of the FI/RE people who brag about retiring in their 30s and 40s after living on pennies and fumes for a decade are often (and charitably interpreting, unintentionally) misleading their audience.

For me it’s not about *not working*, but about having enough saved money so you can work on something that you actually enjoy, regardless of what you earn, while maintaining the same lifestyle you are used to. Not working is just laziness, man. Unless you are like 70, that’s not a goal people should take pride in.

they are often showered with huge pay increases simply for being in the right chair when the stock market was going up

This is just silly. For example, let’s say I can buy a car at 1% interest. If I have the money to pay for it, you will say it is bad debt, but if I can take that money and instead put it into an investment that is going to make 1.5% interest over time period of my loan, I am now making money on that money. That would

I agree that they can be bad debt. But I don’t agree that they are necessarily bad.

They should call this the Yhganod Mit Program.

My company only gives an annual $2000 match if you meet a minimum contribution level. No percentage. It’s crap, but like I tell people, $2000 of free money is better than not $2000 of free money.

hmmm interesting better to have $0 at retirement age

“my main complaint is that 401ks trick us...” 

I’m amazed that mummy Al Davis used his black magic to make Howdy Doody a real boy then got him fat.

I’m pretty sure Alexa Rae Joel is going to be ok whether Billy Joel has one more child or 100.

It’s not even that it’s named for a racist owner - it’s named for a guy who basically didn’t win a World Series because his racist ways wouldn’t let him team up Willie Mays with Ted Williams.

they will keep him on the roster next year

For kids..
Hot = Scolding
Warm = Still Too Hot
Cold = I’m Full

Marchman sleeps under a pile of damp wash cloths.

This guy is a living, breathing American tragedy and I just hope he finds peace in some form before he hurts himself or anyone else.

Basketball should be in the Winter Games. This time of year is the doldrums for the NBA; just cancel the All-Star Game and cut the regular season by 6-8 games in Olympic years. Maybe change some rules to make it more like the NBA, and boom! Sportsgasm.