I guess after the Petit-Frere coup, you could say that Ohio State is no longer a little brother in this rivalry....
The door is over there? Great, thanks.
I guess after the Petit-Frere coup, you could say that Ohio State is no longer a little brother in this rivalry....
The door is over there? Great, thanks.
Actually invest my IRA instead of just parking it in CDs, paralyzed with fear that I’d invest in the wrong thing.
I was married super young and while I felt like it worked at the time, I wish I would have insisted on separate accounts with a joint account for household bills and necessities. I was the voice of reason, he wanted to have all of the things, and I got tired of always saying no and then we had way too much debt too…
1. Take advantage of tax-deferred retirement accounts sooner. I don’t spend much money so a lot of my income ended up sitting around in a low interest savings account. The first years of my job, I was single and had a relatively well paid job so I ended up paying a lot in taxes. Instead of putting my income into a…
For the longest time I was too analytical with my disposable income. I didn’t go on an actual vacation for many years because for the money that I would spend on a vacation I could get so much more “value” from something else. For instance, just the travel and lodging involved in a basic three-day weekend costs as…
I suspect winning 5 Super Bowls as a HC plus being a key DC for 2 more might make people think the guy’s a good coach. Losing 3 in dramatic fashion doesn’t really alter the calculus for me too much.
Let me resent McDaniels and laugh at the Colts’s ineptitude and roll my eyes at but quietly identify with the Patriots’ pettiness.
As I’m sure many have pointed out, the Colts of all organizations must understand what its like to promise your fan base one thing but end up in a different city because the money was better.
You don’t need to go to a private college.
So do the Colts get a banner for this or not?
The first league I played in with friends sent us copies of rules that said we literally had to use brooms so we bought a bunch of brooms from the store and spent an evening drinking and using scissors and duct tape to experiment with different shapes and methods of making the straw more rigid. We had slanted bottoms…
Cris Collinsworth and Al Michaels sounded so bored throughout the game. Every big play was announced like it was mid season Thursday night game. I would have killed for Gus Johnson out there, who probably would have stroked out on the Foles TD catch.
What is the deal with Kosher salt? I like to cook. I think I’m pretty good at it, all told. But recently my confidence has been shaken because so many recipes call for kosher salt and I don’t know what the hell to do. My dad worked in restaurants for a spell and is the best home cook I know. He uses Mortons or Lawry’s…
The suspect was apprehended after he tried to pawn 9 Jerky Boy CDs.
Police left after discovering that “burglary” is just what Gronkowski calls a cookout.
Yea, this is BS.