Flug Dutie

Now, if you are a county sheriff mindful of your budget...

Ugh. Too many factual inaccuracies.

The last two comments from the father as he was being led out of the courtroom really struck me . . . when he asked the officers what they would do in his situation, and when he shouted to the person off camera that she hadn’t lived through his hell. I cannot imagine his anguish. But this can’t be tolerated, even if

jesus fucking christ, is the concept of “rule of law” so difficult to grasp?

In another thread I said that it’s wrong to punch this guy, and also completely understandable to feel the way he did. Intellectually, I understand why he did what he did. But, it’s still a court of law, the father’s safety was not being threatened, and he tried to attack a person. That’s assault. He’s committing

I heard the description before I saw the video, but I agree with what I heard. It’s nervous laughter. They know he’s serious and don’t really know how to react.

Aggravated assault? No. At most he’ll get some sort of disorderly conduct charge, which will be held in abeyance and then dismissed upon some sort of completion of community service or anger management or something. Woe to the prosecutor who would be willing to bring serious charges against this guy to a jury.

“I know we are a nation of laws, and this is a very serious and almost sacred process of deciding how to mete out punishment...but what the guy did was bad, so YOLO, you know? Free shots for everybody.”- No judge who wants to keep their job.

I don’t think you want to punch a guy in court. It sets a really bad precedent, and it wouldn’t surprise me if the judge drops the hammer on the guy for doing that.

Those officers did their job compassionately. They stopped him and didn’t hurt him. The man was in pain. When the father asked them as the end “What if this happened to you?” I thought I saw the officer say “I know...”.

Oh he enjoyed the hell out of that. He didn’t even give them a chance to answer that last one, just made fun of them and then read the answer. That was cold blooded!

I guess that’s an option.

Someone I got 4/5 and knew Purple People Eaters but didn’t know Tom Landry. I feel shamed.

I’m pretty sure the only reason he still does it is because he gets to mock people.

Mocking Alex is the best Alex.

That guy fucks.

Final Jeopardy should have been “Name a football team. Any team, and you will win.”

Ryan’s got an excuse, at least. There’s no time to learn about football when all you do is get laid.

i’m surprised tom brady’s son isn’t just a football with googly eyes pasted on.