Flug Dutie

My impression of it: He is one of those managers - and we all know at least one - who is beloved by his executives and despised by people who are unfortunate enough to work for him.

Dress conservatively. No, like more conservatively than what you are thinking.

*walks up to van at intersection*

Idk - It wasn’t my call, take it up with the jury. The judge can’t sentence the guy for murder if he wasn’t convicted of murder. There’s this whole due process thing we have worked out - there were amendments we voted on and everything. 

The thing that is getting lost in all this is that Carruth was acquitted of the murder charge. He was convicted on the conspiracy to commit murder charge, which is a Class B2 felony in NC versus a Class A. 

He wasn’t convicted of murder tho.

I feel like you weren’t prepared. You should try again.

I saw Brooke Shields on a billboard the other day and it occurred to me that I had no idea exactly why she is famous - I only remember her from seeing supermarket checkout mags, she was married to Andre Agassi, and there was some TV show she did later on. So, I googled and was appalled by what I found. Did the whole

That is some interesting punctuation. It makes the comment read like you ran to the keyboard to get this out as quickly as possible. I love it. 

This is true. 

I know shit all about Arizona, I’ve never been there. But, one of my favorite IRL trolls is pronouncing a hard C in Tucson whenever it comes up. Tuckson. Then when people correct me “You mean Tyooo-sahn” I get to act all surprised. It’s great fun.

Like most everyone, I wore pajamas as a kid and then ditched them for boxers or whatever as a teenager. But now, I’ve resumed wearing pajamas and I love them. Hear me out.

Ohhhhh... No, I won’t be doing that.

I know. It’s terrible. 

I’ve pushed this take before, but here goes. Krispy Kreme’s purpose on earth was to get Dunkin Donuts to tighten up their operation. I remember in the late 90s when I started going to coffee shops, every Dunkin I went into was fucking disgusting. Then Krispy put a shop across the street from, next to, and on top of

The substance of the nightmare doesn’t matter - if your body dumps adrenaline while you’re sleeping, any dream about puppies and kittens can be a nightmare. Probably you need to get more exercise or something, I dunno I’m not a doctor.

I haven’t run into these types in a few years, but every military leader should read this. Working insane hours is a cultural disease in the military. In the Army, our day would officially start at 6:30 am, but you had better be there at least at 6:00 to meet with the CO. The day officially ended at 5:00 pm, but you

Pills, pills, and pills. 

Double timing is kind of a trot rather than a flat out run. You can’t really stretch out your steps because there are other people all around you. Anything faster than 8 minute miles will eventually cause the formation to caterpillar or break up. It isn’t good running, but that’s not the point. The point of double