Her voice is hearty. Its not whimsical like Ellie Goulding (noted oly because of the oddness of her voice), or ballad driven like Whitney, or has the range of Mariah. Its just a throaty, hearty voice.
Her voice is hearty. Its not whimsical like Ellie Goulding (noted oly because of the oddness of her voice), or ballad driven like Whitney, or has the range of Mariah. Its just a throaty, hearty voice.
I always find such comparisons a waste of time because as great as it us when a pop singer has an awesome voice, that’s not nearly as important as their ability to entertain. If great voices were essential to us opera singers would outsell all of these pop singers.
Madonna was always a performance artist first and foremost, though. Larger-than-life, ahead of her time. She could go naked (and has done so) and still outshine everyone. Gaga has always appeared as though she was putting on a figurative suit of an outlandish larger-than-life performer while wearing literal (meat)…
Black folks are not a hive mind. Considering that it was released on Tidal. I think it is safe to say that some prominent Black people are okay with it.
As always your choice of whom to support is arbitrary to biased. Everything good this site does is nullified by posts como asi
Great. Good to know Jez isn’t bothering to weed out the hacks. Thanks for your continued enlightened commentary. Please, regal us with another desperate attempt at a Trump zinger.
Aiding and abetting refers to helping someone do something wrong, not being associated with someone who has previously done something wrong.
fuck I always mess that up
This feels like the reverse of the Blake Lively “LA face and an Oakland booty” thing. The clueless Jezebel writer (in that case) didn’t get the Sir-Mix-A-Lot reference and declared her Lively’s post “racist.” Here, the context of the term “Oreo” to describe disconnected, upwardly mobile black Americans seems to be…
Jezebel bemoaning manufactured rage? The circle is complete.
When he said “Video credit: Guess who?” did anyone’s mind immediately go to Kris Jenner?
If Brad yelling at one of the children is “abusive” then what Angie is doing is also abusive, in a worse way.
I don’t care for it but to each their own, I’m sure she wasn’t hurting anybody.
What the hell is going on here lately.
I clearly misunderstood what site I was reading. I thought this was Gawker Media, and that disrespectful discourse was the order of the day here. I am delighted to discover that has apparently changed and am happy to rephrase:
Jezebel: Making perfect the enemy of good since 2008.
if you are not poor you are moming wrong.