SisterCarrie_not the other one

Exactly. This not an average teenager being embarrassed of their mom being “weird”. He legit talked to others, watched her interviews and rightfully cringed. He respectfully raised his concerns/discomfort and she

Filmmaker and the rest of Netflix is white.

Her son is smart and has a conscience, unlike his mother. He’s calling her out on the harmful effects of her actions on not just her life, but others as well.

One is innocent until proven otherwise. Also, just because a person is found innocent does not mean they’re not guilty.

Apparently the guy’s own attorney didn’t have an issue with it. What do you do when you can’t even trust the person that’s legally obligated to have your back?!

It’s the equivalent of the $8.99 hand-cut artisanal ice that was a huge deal with hipsters years back.

It’s messed up that businesses are taking advantage like this. I had to look away and make sure I was reading it as $39.99 and not $3.999.

Even with you staying on top of this, it’s still hard to believe that FOUR freakin years have passed by and this is still going on.

So true. I’ve lived in the US for over 20 years now and there are still words that I know but it never comes out right. Like in my head I can pronounce it correctly, but it just doesn’t roll out the tongue right. It’s frustrating and I understand your fiancee’s struggle.

The videos are on youtube (I won’t link), but you can find marginalized individuals (black, trans, gay, etc) that have followings comparable to Spencer’s and others in the supremacist movement. It’s also surprising how they believe the groups they belong to are inferior to whites or hetero white males, but they’re the

Yes. Not conservatives, but straight up believe based on intelligence test “studies” that whites are smarter and superior. Praising white nationalists that opened their eyes or “red-pilled” them. Chappelle’s Clayton Bigsby has nothing on these folks.

It was mind boggling and very hard to look away. None of it makes sense and made me wonder how black people got indoctrinated into some foolishness that went against their interests. IQ45's voters hated other groups more than they wanted to better their situations. I don’t know what the excuse is for PoC that not only

It’s not worth it. Black excellence is at an all time high and we’re only going further up. They better get in rotation because their white fans won’t save them.

I can’t even choose my favorite. They all killed it.

I think they all need to go to and ask their countrymen to take them back. Americans that have similar issues should petition their country of origin to take them back too.

I really have no words to describe how I feel about them (confused, pity them, loathe them, etc). This one particular black supremacist youtuber is very influential and told Spencer to refer to her as either black or negro and found being referred to as African American to be offensive because she has no ties to

I know right? I thought she was much older than 25. I think the universe is speaking to her and telling her to try pursuing her hobby as a full time job. It’s all cute until it’s no longer cool to be a supremacist and she has to go back to making a living not hating.

There’s money in building one’s brand around white supremacy. A few weeks ago after Harriot wrote an article on spending a week as a conservative, I found myself on some really dark parts of the internet where unapologetically black white supremacists are a thing. I saw an interview where a black woman was telling

She also made those poor kids play along when other adults were in the room. Quite a commitment to her hobby.

There is no comparing her mission to Goop’s. For one, she’s trying to reach every community and be accessible. The Glowup and Robin Roberts approve her and I will def check her out.