
I know he doesn’t, I’m only bringing him up to show that in the books, it would be dumb to have Jon Snow be named Aegon, to further prove that was the show’s decision, and a bad one to add on their long track record of bad decisions.

Totally both dead but I’m not the one ruining Lyanna, the showrunners are for making her have this stupid choice.

Rhaegar thinking up names for Jon:

Uh, how so?

It’s either a stupid decision for Rhaegar’s part or a seriously shitty one for Lyanna’s part.

Since it’s nowhere to be found in the show, we’ll focus on books:

You mean, with knowledge they already had for years and no new evidence to put forward except for the visions of a magic robo-Bran?

Come on, it’s not comparable to name a child after an ancestor and to name them the same thing as another one you currently still have.

I love this interpretation. The books leave it an interesting ambiguity whether Lyanna went with Rhaegar willingly or not and further, if he manipulated her or not, but having her make it so that their son would overrule the existence basically of poor dead Aegon VI paints such a magnificent picture of their

And your fanboyish defensiveness of, as far as I’m concerned, genuine criticism does? Try being critical about what media you’re being fed.

You think she went against his practical decision? “Ah! You’re dead now, I hear no rational arguments anymore about how it would be confusing for you in order to know of which Aegon we’d be speaking about. Psych!”

These two stories are in no way similar and comparable

It’s bound to make for funny/awkward family reunion in the books if that’s not one of their inventions and it turns out both Young Griff and Jon Snow are actually Aegons Targaryens.

“Text” means whatever means any given piece of media communicates with an audience. Music has it, film has it, not just books, it’s just a shorthand.

Do you not make the difference between naming your son after one of your ancestors, and naming him THE SAME THING AS YOUR OLDER SON?

Wow, this is so cringeworthy. Stop wasting my time.

my god was gave it away was it the two plain declarative sentences

This is such a shitty thing to do to Elia and her children. And I don’t mean coming from Rhaegar but coming from the showrunners. It means they didn’t need to be brutally murdered by the Mountain, they weren’t even Targaryens anymore.

This is nowhere to be found in the books

It really isn’t, or more accurately, it doesn’t think of itself as such. And for a while, when it was propped up by the books, it really was the absolute opposite of a silly fantasy story. Heck, I wouldn’t even consider the books “fantasy”, they’re so versed in political drama. Having dragons and magic swords is