I’ve got to admit— from an European perspective, this talk show style skit is terrible. Goes to show how humor is all in the editing, here there’s a slowness of pace that’s cringe-worthy, and the fact that it’s just one joke repeated for five minutes...
I’ve seen it. It’s amazing. Give it a chance.
Can the story really be ruined? It’s the most base and cliché there is, it could give Star Wars lessons in playing the monomyth s.t.r.a.i.g.h.t. And more importantly..
Come on people, it’s so much simpler than that.
I’m bummed out the proposed solution to the problem “only whites are in movies” is widely accepted to be “accurate race portrayal”, because the one I’d find way more fun would be “anything goes, in complete disregard to the boring coherency of history, for bonkers’ sake. Only without discrimination.”
Speaking of heroic anthem, look at what piece of excellent musical study came out just today:
Ah. The true and tested “I’m old and I this thing for youngsters doesn’t make sense.”
Note that these are the introducing lines of scripts, meaningI’m sure there are a very equal amount of JACK, PI investigator, a scar on his face and a glass of bourbon in his hand, ponders about justice in his run-down apartment
It was nice of them to make Barry’s mom not dead (hence Barry unadopted) to explain how it’s not super weird for him and Iris to be married.
I guess it’s a good thing “story” is completely separate from everything you mention, then.
Okay but when will they finally get rid of the ginger Lego?! To mirror the coming Genetic Cleansing of the Impure?
I wonder if there was a point where the game was more coherent and focused in its planning phase, or if they just threw ideas around and trimmed random chunks after.
Granted it’s difficult to translate this kind of weight on public consciousness into utter oblivion, but it’s relatively easy to shift that respected tradition into infamy and despise.
Lords, no. Definitely separate but grandly unequal. In that The Awards are a self-indulgent and universally despised embarrassment to movies and no amount of trying makes me find any inner guilt about Separating them for public consciousness and considering them wholefully Inferior.
I still can’t fathom why we don’t leave the old white people club have their white people party and create new and different ways to celebrate movies that matter (or, if even that’s too much to ask, that people actually care about)
I know, I know, but I still think there’s not enough quality here to warrant a nomination.
Definitely not.
Hm, not really. It’s a very well-made film, but, Oscar-worthy? It’s certainly more memorable for everything that Scott didn’t entirely contribute to, like the script and the performances. It’s not bad but, it’s got no place on the list.