
Fine, whatever, be stubborn and pretend this is nothing but a remake when you know the obvious differences between a network television miniseries and an R-rated feature film shot for the big screen. You obviously know better, but have decided to take this position.

This isn't a remake.

The novel is like 1000 pages. How much do you want them to cut out to fit it into a single film?

Yeah that's funny asshole.

You win the internet today.

Nobody is afraid of clowns because of a movie. People are afraid of clowns because clowns are grotesque.

I happen to know a lot of clowns because I'm a Shriner. I don't think the ones I know care.

A television miniseries is not a movie.


You're right. The Slathers must be stopped if we're to ever MAGA.

You really like that word "pathetically," don't you?

"it's indistinguishable from the thousands of other ludicrously impotent attempts by the left to discredit Trump."

It's not bad satire simply because you don't get the joke. That's your own failing, nobody else's. For crying out loud, kid, you needed someone to tell you that a website owned by The Onion is satirical.

Wow, you really believe this is about how he likes his steak, don't you? And you really believe the point the author is making is that the only right way to eat something is the way he likes it, don't you?

They don't get the joke. They have no idea what we're actually laughing about.

You're not really this clueless, are you?


Yes stupid, it's satire.

Hot dogs are already fully cooked before they even come out of the package. But yeah, no decent person puts ketchup on a hot dog.

Or respect.