

Uh huh.

Well, it's the next morning and I see Trump's loyal followers still are throwing a tantrum over this and still don't have the slightest clue why this is so funny to the rest of us. None of you get the joke!

Someone writing for a satirical site that caters to an audience that appreciates irony.

We wouldn't put that crap on a $60 dry aged NY strip, either.

I saw it on Facebook. Sorry to bust into your sanctuary but if it make you feel any better I'm laughing at the defensive Trump snowflakes.


That's not a photo from his dinner the other night you stupid idiot. That's a months-old photo of a campaign stop. Fool.

Nothing you said in any of this is even remotely true. I guess it's true that Trump "did stuff." Whatever that's worth.

He had a sense of humor, too.

It's at least a good temporary diversion from what a terrible president he is.

I have to say it's incredibly entertaining seeing his loyal followers getting defensive on his behalf without even getting why this is so amusing to those who are mocking Trump. None of you get the joke! :))

The kind of writer who's catering to an audience that has an appreciation for irony and enjoys good satire.

That they have bad taste? Well, DUH.

I'm sorry the satirical tone of the article and the irony of the whole situation is lost on you.

They had no experience unless you count experience as experience.

That's funny because we're laughing while you're throwing a tantrum.

Thank you ladies and gentlemen, that's all for me! But I'll be here all week, oh and don't forget to tip the cocktail waitresses.

This is all very interesting but…

We're not really "criticizing" him. WE'RE LAUGHING AT HIM.