

I am a weeping mess if I cut onions wearing my glasses, but there is a noticeably reduced 'onion effect' if I have my contact lenses in. I guess the part of the eye attacked by the chemical is sealed off by my contacts.

During Passover, Coke makes a 'kosher for passover' version that uses real sugar. The two liter bottles have a yellow cap rather than a red cap. We always lay in a big supply to get through the summer barbecue season. It's a lot cheaper than Mexican Coke, and most big grocery stores have it (at least in my area).

Counterpoint: That potato looked pretty tasty! Were those mushrooms? I was thinking I need to put that in my lunch rotation…

I noticed that in the "Go ahead and have a drink, we paid for it," scene, they very prominently showed Perry pouring his drink with his pinky extended, as we saw Jane's rapist had done. I didn't read the book, but as soon as I saw that detail it confirmed to me that he was the one.

I just have to point out that everyone in the audience seems to be
dressed in long sleeves and jackets, but Ivanka felt a need to go
sleeveless despite it being super cold in New York lately. Poser.

P.G. Wodehouse has the best character names: Tuppy Glossop, Beefy Bingham, and my favorite, Gussy Finknottle.

I don't understand the other two dragons "breaking out" of the pyramid. Didn't we see Tyrion release them a couple episodes ago?

I believe the reviewer is mistaken about Sansa's letter. Sansa handed Brienne a letter to take to the Blackfish—the 'covert' letter she sent by raven was written later and hasn't been revealed yet (though I'm still betting it was to Littlefinger.)

My mom would make me peanut butter (no jelly!) on Pepperidge Farm 'Sprouted Wheat' bread, which was much smaller and denser than 'regular' bread. And a carrot on the side—not even a piece of fruit! We got the wheatgerm thing, too—Cheerios were our non-sugary cereal. I used to live for sleepovers and other kids' houses

I think people here are missing the crucial scene, which was shown in the 'previouslies'—before going to Thailand Gaad met with Stan and said, "You seem to like Oleg, but don't forget what he is." I think _that_ is what is motivating Stan, in conjunction with his horror at Gaad's death. I think he has a renewed level

I like it, too. I think part of the reason it isn't doing so well in the U.S. is because it was not promoted at all. I only learned about it because I had seen ads for "The Night Manager" during Better Call Saul, and when I read up about The Night Manager the article mentioned Last Panthers as well. Other than that,

Am I missing something when I think that Sansa is actually still officially married to Tyrion? They parted ways after Joffrey was killed, but he's still her husband, right? No one seemed to raise any objections when she married Ramsey, but it was widely known that she had been married to Tyrion, and just 'running

It's weird to me that they're reviewing this show and not "The Night Manager". I would think that one has a much bigger audience.

I disagree about your characterization of the investigation into Roman. As I see it, Khalil did _not_ snitch on Roman, Roman is just being investigated as a matter of procedure following the shooting of Rajko. This is supported by the way Khalil's buddy says, "He was just doing his job, he's a hero," or words to that

When the man dances, certainly boys, what else? The piper pays him.

Robert Preston as the Music Man.

It's odd that it's in chronological order, then.

What about "The Americans"? You're looking forward to the OJ movie but not to that?

How could you not pick "Lens" as one of the notable "Leftovers" episodes? Carrie Coon and Regina King were both spectacular.