
At the risk of being overly superficial, let me just say there's a whole lot of "nostril" going on in that top pic!

Really? It's a classic vaudeville bit. They did it on I Love Lucy, too—that's the version that's referenced in my family. "Martha" was the trigger word in that case.

Well, I _also_ haven't seen Grey Gardens (though I'm familiar with it), but I just finished this show and thought it was hilarious. Loved the various headwraps. Loved that Big Vivvy slept with her eyes open. The ending was truly scary! And I liked that the cats got bologna and corn flakes

I'm years late to this show. Just saw the pilot. The bathroom at Quantico is the same as the Overlook Hotel! I noticed it instantly. Don't see it referred to anywhere here (though I didn't get through all the pages of comments). Looking forward to watching the rest of this first season!

They forgot "The Wrong Trousers" !!

Ah yes, sorry. In my defense, I last read it in the 70s..!

I loved all the books—especially Billions for Boris! I used to fantasize I would find a future-predicting TV or something of that sort as well. I never could watch any of the movie versions of Freaky Friday since they didn't measure up. I made sure my kids read the books as soon as they got to the right age.

I thought she was trying to say "rapport"…

The girl from the a-ha video who goes into the comic book. 80s appropriate!

But he _looks_ so European! I was genuinely surprised to hear his name was supposed to be "Eric Deeds" and hear his American accent, because he looked like a foreigner to me.

Yes! I am glad someone else saw it the way I did. Frankly, I saw Bob as a little 'simple'. He wasn't 'resisting the rage inside him', he was just doing what had to be done, amoral from lack of any deeper introspection. Nadia genuinely has nothing to fear from him.

Here's my guess—-Jared killed his family. The dramatic tumbling-backwards-out-of-the-hotel-room bit was just for show.