
Oh yeah. It's a common phrase. It's up there next to "I can't be racist, I have a black friend."

Haley doesn't actually think Warnock could be deported. It's just that her racism is so casual and supported by her Republican buddies that she thinks it's funny to call for a black man - a US Senator, no less - to be deported for no other reason than he's a Democrat.

This made me cringe, but it definitely sounds like a response I would expect from here. I could also see all of the others in her cadre nodding in agreement around her.

I went to yell at Trump when he first got “elected.” There were a handful of trumpstains chanting “Go back to Mexico” at some DACA protesters. They all had Nazi imagery tshirts and Confederate flags hats etc. Among them was one black lady. It was the perfect example of this phenomena. Their shared hatred of Mexicans

He’s one of the good ones."

I don’t wonder. The GOP has a long-term goal for black people, and it’s basically right where they started in this country, except this time they’ll go via prisons rather than ships. Herschel, Ben Carson and the rest of the crew are just too dumb to know it.

Unfortunately, yes, this is more common than is often acknowledged. I worked with a guy from Puerto Rico (which is a U.S. territory yes, yes) who told me, “All the good Puerto Ricans stay in Puerto Rico.” I of course asked, “What does that make you?” He said, “I’m different.”

“Got mine, fuck you” knows no boundaries.

He wins the race.

Even the Republicans of color are openly racist now. Glad for them to make it clear what we are voting for

Nimrata Randhawa thinks she’s white. When they don’t need her any more, the white supremacist dominionists will remind her.

She is a racist idiot POS. But I can’t help but wonder, if she wants to deport Warnock, what in her sick twisted mind would be her plan for Walker?

this is a good reminder how absolutely vicious immigrants can be when it comes to the immigrants that want to follow them; some of the most virulently anti-immigrant people I have ever met (here, the UK, Canada) were immigrants themselves, they practically trip over themselves to pull up the ladder behind them. There

That’s an awful lot out of the mouth of a brown first-generation American. Just saying.

that’s *different*, Melania is “one of the good ones” LOL.  Every day I am reminded that I just don’t see this country ever being truly “united” again at least during my lifetime, if not ever.  When one side is so openly hateful and divisive and stupid and proud of it, how do you reach them?  The tough answer probably

She’s in favor of “legal” immigrants who did it the “right” way. Which basically means by supporting Republican policies.  Absolutely nothing else matters.  You are with her or against her.

Haley is is the go to female GOP moderate. Yet, here she is using “Go back to where you came from” racism. Casual racism is the standard of the GOP.

If Raphael Warnock, the eleventh (!!) born son of two Pentecostal Pastors who were presumably born in this country and who’s ancestors probably came over on slave ships in the 1800s as far as I can tell should be deported then what should we do with someone who’s a measly 2nd generation immigrant?

Legal immigrants like Melania, who used a fraudulent visa to enter the US… and bring her relatives into the US for permanent residency too? That type of legal immigration, Nikki?

Wow, he didn't age as well as some musicians from that era.