
She just forgot what Jake Knotts said about her I reckon.

If only that fat, ignorant redneck Jake Knotts would have kept his racist mouth shut back in 2008/2009, the world would have never heard of Nimrata Randhawa (Nikki Haley). Just how the heck is she going to talk about deporting a persons whose ancestors have been on American soil for generations when she is only a

I still can’t believe the support the Orange Fürher still has. The goobers where I live are driving around with full size US flags and full size Orange Fürher 2024 flags flying on the back of their trucks. This man supports Putin!!! I see now you can get away with everything as long as there is an (R) following your

The GQP wants to establish a totalitarian government with them in charge. They don’t care about freedom of others, they want complete control.

So much this! I’m from a “red state” and currently live in a different “red state”, they can’t even find foster homes for children that have no one to care for them. One state is so bad off they have resorted to children sleeping in the office.

I saw that movie!

I don't have any vices but due to being constantly stressed and depressed since the ripe age of 9, people always think I am much older than my age. Just what every woman wants to hear, BGM is a myth.

I gave up the idea of church. All thr ones I have visited are like adult high school.

We should be so lucky!


No, that sounds like exactly what she said in the documentary.

Weren't there also dead fish in the aquarium?

You forgot movie theater.

I thought it was like a niece that she took in and called their daughter.

Yes, the oldest one.

Funny, sad, yet so true. This country is F^^KED!

And you never will my good friend:

Oh they can and usually do. They need to be held at the same standards as all other professions instead of being coddled when they inevitably screw up!

The NRA was never for Black gun owners whether legal or illegal.

Remember, the only time the NRA ever spoke out in favor of gun control laws was when the Black Panthers armed themselves.