I have been saying the EXACT same thing for years now. They have hissy fits whenever any other profession mentions unionizing, but are totally cool with the ones that don’t need it.
I have been saying the EXACT same thing for years now. They have hissy fits whenever any other profession mentions unionizing, but are totally cool with the ones that don’t need it.
There was one in S.C. with similar charges. Richland County Sheriff’s Department had been covering up a Spring Valley High School resource officer had been sexually assaulting female minors for about a decade before being fired. This was only due to the lawsuit, the sheriff had been covering up for him the whole time (…
Again, not even an “American” name and he’s being racist af. I left a post a few days ago mentioning how the Middle Easterners are racist af when it comes to black people. LinkTV even had a documentary on the abuses the natives of sub-Saharan African countries face when it comes to natives of the Middle East and…
I think they are honorary members.
I’m thinking he already is.
That’s an easy one, the perpetrator wasn’t black.
The GOP is literally an organization of James Bond villains. They are all just so horrible and everyday seems to be a game of who can be the most evil.
I remember that, I was like “naw B, you do not cosplay as a Hindu goddess. Just WTF??!!!”.
Couldn’t the tech companies just block access for residents of the state? Like some online services (like gambling sites, alcohol delivery services, etc) are not available in all states and some companies don’t deliver their merchandise to all states.
Don’t forget, Rand skipped obtaining treatment for his “injuries” in the good ole US of A, instead he chose to make use of Canada’s medical care.
Just like when police “investigate” themselves and find that they did nothing wrong. Humans are the absolute worst!
Let us not forget the forced contraceptive shots to the Ethiopian Jewish settlers.
She deserved that Oscar! She is a brilliant actress. I highly recommend “The Taste of Money”. Some of her scenes totally surprised me!
It’s always the same story, “we investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong!”.
Defund them and get rid of their unions. America has a serious problem with every other profession having a union except for the ones that don’t need it...law enforcement.
Easy, he wasn’t an unarmed black person so they have no problem with the little murderous bastard. You won’t believe all of the folks defending him over on Yahoo! message boards (why don’t they just disable them again?).
Thanks for the delightful flashback of me puking on the table at lunch in 2nd grade due to undiagnosed migraines.
It’s their unions that get them off. I thought unions were un-American? It is pathetic that we live in a country were cops and politicians constantly get away with unethical behavior and violating the civil rights of others (Black, LGBTQ+, etc). It’s like they’re in a frat that pays them to be dicks!
You forgot white and heterosexual.