
Sort of like this couple’s GoFundMe. Except they were trying to get pregnant using fertility treatments. Now the babies are here and it looks like they are all kinda on their own.

Why did you post this gif lol? I am at work and that woman looks an awful lot like my office manager. Considering I am smack dab between the South and Midwest it is completely possible.

It’s cognitive dissonance at it’s finest! They don’t want women to have any control over their own reproductive system which will force us women to give birth whether we are prepared for it or not, then mother & kid are on their own regardless of the financial situation. My God, I don’t want to be on this planet

UGH, please don’t bring up that self-righteous hag! But hey since you did there is this:

I totally agree, one shouldn’t generalize. There are assholes everywhere!

Did you not know they get to pick and choose what rules to adhere to?

I checked and it looks like there are a few stores in N.J. and N.Y. state. If there is a Kroger or Ruler Foods (discount Kroger brand store) near you they should carry them, if not you should ask them to make them available.

You heathen! Only slightly frozen regular Mountain Dew is worth drinking.

There probably isn’t a state in the union thay doesn’t have rednecks and confederate flags. 😕

Kroger brand seasoned curly fries taste just like Hardee’s/Arby’s. Just trying to save my Jezebel family some coinage!

Someone needs to make this happen!

You forget, idiots will forgive anything as long as the perpetrator is attractive.😑

I read an article about that last week and the housing crisis or shortage it has created for those that actually live/work there.

His life sounds like an episode or an entire season of “Hoarders”!

So sad but true, and I can attest to this a a black female. I mean, I all for people marrying whoever they want but don’t tear down your so called “sistas” while doing so. If anyone doesn’t understand where I’mcoming from, go watch the documentary “Dark Girls” and get back to me.

I guess I was ahead of the curve. I only liked him for a very short while during his 21 Jump Street days when I was a little girl.

And that comment my dear friend was golden and earns you a star!🌟

Y’all are babies, storms make perfect sleeping long as the damn tornado sirens don’t start going off!

Oh sweetie! Fiestaware is the way to go for everyday dining, it’s practically indestructible!

You are too kind and smart. I worked for a Southern retailer ordering this crap in their distribution center years ago and let me tell you some of the brides had no trouble adding $20k worth of fine china to their registry for just six or eight place settings. I reckon they were old money or something because they